
Nov 23, 2008 01:29

To be the most à la mode woman alive seemed to [Marie Antoinnette] the most desirable thing imaginable; and this foible, unworthy of a great sovereign, has been the sole cause of all the exaggerated faults that people have so cruelly ascribed to her.

-The Comtesse De Boigne

There is something terribly wrong about some of those you have come to call the undead. A certain intellectual malaise, if you will. I have always found it remarkable, how some of Caine's deeply stupid children make up for their lack of reason with vanity that crafts their very destruction.

I know that I am beautiful, but I also know that I am not immeasurably beautiful and that is perfect for one such as myself. Why draw too much attention to oneself? It makes one walk in the insufferable gaze of scrutiny. Hardly a way for me to work efficiently. The Tzimisce brand themselves as masters of the horrid practice of fleshcrafting (a brand rightly owned), but I craft myself into a different person everyday. It is not a mask I wear, but another manifestation of another one of my genuine persona's. However, in whatever one does, it is the art of subtlety which crafts ones ascent to power. And yet, thankfully, so many Kindred are not aware of this, nor do they harbor enough patience, nor understand this vital art. They over compensate for their lack of knowledge with beauty and gross vanity, which gives them the flawed perception that they could get away with anything. They depend on their charm to disguise their misdeeds. The blood borne abilities of their lineage become a crutch for absolutely everything, even in the most superficial of circumstances, which only tends to give their game away.

Thank God for vanity. And the Kindred that impale themselves with it.


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