Every parent (and child) needs to know about the sick, sick movement known as "pedophile activism". I am not joking. Look up pedophile activism on wikipedia.org for more information. They have created these symbols, so that they can identify each other, create a support network, it's sickening:
here is another link talking about it.
http://eng.anarchopedia.org/index.php/childlove_movement This is the symbol for "boy love" called BLogo
This is the symbol for "girl love", called GLogo
This is the symbol for "Childlove Online Media Activism, CLOMAL
This is the symbol for all-encompassing pedophilia, CLogo
If you see these symbols on someone's profile/website/journal, they are a pedophile.
If you see someone with one of these symbols on their clothing or jewelry, they are a pedophile. Anyone with children, please visit Wikipedia's article on
Pedophile Activism