Sep 15, 2006 14:43
I can't even tell you how excited I am about tonight!!! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Bought some clothes last night, not exactly what I wanted but great nonetheless! And I finally found a nice camera that I can afford. And Troy sent me a pink RAZR, so I've got a new phone, too!
Suzanne [a friend of Jay & James, and owner of Double Guns Productions] called me yesterday. She said I'd be on the guest list & wanted to know how many people I'm bringing. Well...being the overly cautious person that I am, I bought my tickets before I left home! I told her that and she said I was a "silly billy" LOL I said that I never want to assume, and she said "Come ON, you're Lani!" LOL
Have to get a hold of Vanessa, she can have my spot on the guest list. Didn't get to see her on Tuesday like we had planned, I hope she still wants to go tonight!
Troy will be here tomorrow, YAY!! Another reason for all this excitement! I can't wait to see him, and I'm so glad these past 12 days have gone by so quickly.
I'm so so so so so excited!! I can't wait to see Jay & everyone else. *squeeeeeeeee*
viper room,