Dear Yuletide Author^__^

Nov 15, 2010 22:03

 I'm in Yuletide this year too^__^ It was fun last time, I hope it will be this year as well^^

Sooo, Dear Yuletide Author:

I have no speacial requirements concerning my stories, I'd be pretty happy with everyhting I get (hopeless optimist that I amXD). If you need any hints, though, I may tell you what would make me super happy^^

I like slash and mature themes - it doesn't mean there have to be sex, lower rting is good too^^ I don't like to read about shota and abuse just for abuse's sake. If it has some greater point, then okay, but not as a point in itself>_> Same with violence and blood, they're good in small amounts. I like stories about frendship, ecpecially between people who are not expected/not supposed to be friends (Moordryd and Artha, John and Nuada) and maybe that friendship evolving into something more^^

What else... I really don't like crackfic and extreme OCC, AU's are fine as long as they make sense^^  No genderbending though, please, it just doesn't rock my boat>_>

That would be all, really. I just want you, Santa, to have as much fun writing the story as I'll have reading it^^

As for me - I will try to do my best with the prompt I'm given to write a story that will be fun^______^

dear author, hints, yuletide

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