Scary Stories

May 27, 2016 17:26

So I'd just like to share some creepy stuff that happened to me and my family...

Let me know if you got spooked ;)

The Broken Rosary

Three years ago, my family joined a spiritual retreat camp. It was held in a big university here in Bacolod and we stayed at the school's retreat house. For our final night, the kids (which includes young adults, like me ) were tasked to do a role play about good & evil. Earlier that night, we decided to practice at the retreat house garden. It was pretty dark in there and to consider that each of us felt a creepy feeling while practicing our parts and lines. When we were about to finish, my sister Jeanne told me she doesn't feel well. While holding her, I felt the air around the two of us seem suffocating but I ignored it.

Jeanne settled in a mini folding bed at the workstation area since she doesn't want to left alone in our room. I checked on her a few minutes later and found her bathing in sweat and her hands were all cold. I tried to wake her up but she doesn't respond to anything I say. I called my parents, they can't wake her up too. The other older members of the camp take a look into her and told me and my brother to hold on to my sister. They said it looks like she is in a deep trance. My parents and the other grown ups started to speak in tongues ( a form of prayer) and encircled around her. Holding unto my sister, I really felt everything was so heavy. So I took my rosary out of my pocket and I put it inside Jeanne's side pockets.

It was weird because after I did that, tears were rolling down Jeanne's cheeks. Her lips were trembling but still she can't wake up. It was a few more minutes after that she finally opened her eyes and hugged the first person nearest to her, me. We asked her what happened and she told us: when she closed her eyes in an instant she felt that their were hands trying to reach out to her, she did hear us waking her up but a loud sinister laugh was everywhere and we can't hear her shouts for help. She said she kept praying but while she was in an empty dark room she felt that someone was making her forget it. She was struggling until she felt she was able to move her ring finger and that's how she woke up.

After this weird incident, we continued our role play. Jeanne was actually a vital character because she was "the Angel" and we're glad the night's event was successful.

The next creepy thing though was when she asked me, "Who put rosary beads inside my pocket?". "I did," I answered. She then opened her hand and showed me that my rosary was like broken, rather sliced into 5 straight cuts. Which was really weird because no one knew there was a rosary on her pocket and we'd never do that.

We fixed the rosary and had it blessed again. I still have it here in my pocket.

The Tour Guide

My brother went with my uncle & 2 cousins on a hiking trip. They were given 2 tour guides, to which 1 will be leading them and the other one to stay at the back. In the middle of the hike, my brother tripped on something and saw his shoelace were untied. He called out and said to wait up. He hastily tied his shoes and was glad to see the tour guide stayed with him.

A minute later my brother realized that they were on a less rocky path, with taller grasses around. He felt dizzy all of a sudden when he heard my cousins call. "Hey! Paul, where do you think you're going?"

"Following the tour guide", he replied looking back.

"What tour guide?", our cousin immediately said.

My brother stopped abruptly and looked ahead. Only to see, that he was several inches from plunging into a side of the cliff. It spooked him so he ran towards my cousin.

My cousin told him that they spent almost 20 minutes looking for him. He told my cousin he was clearly following the tour guide and it only took at least 2 minutes for his own walk.


The Call

My mom worked part-time as a research consultant. One-time she got assigned to U.P. Los Baños and together with 3 others. They were asked to stay at the school's dormitory. Her team doesn't believe in ghostly encounters and shrugged off the warning given by the caretaker; knowing that they'll be the only occupants for the night.

That night, they were brainstorming in the sala when one of the researchers phone rang. He didn't answer his phone right away and just kept looking at the screen. "Grace (one teammate) where is your phone?", he asked.

"Left it inside myroom, why?" Grace answered without looking up.

"You're calling me"

"I... I... how can I?" Grace stammered and went beside him.

All of them got spooked when they saw the caller ID was indeed from Grace. They all went inside the room and saw Grace's phone untouched at the top of her desk. They checked call history and saw the most recent call indeed came from her.

They just all freaked out.


So, did you got goosebumps? Let me know :)

scary stories november spooked spooky

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