Title: Never Too Much (2/?)
jez_two Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 300
Pairings: Gee/Mikey
Disclaimer: None of this is true (as far as I know).
Summary: Gerard and Mikey have a fight, Bob and the rest of the band try to find out what's happening.
Author's Notes: This story was my first attempt at both bandom and an incest pairing, as such it's not great but I've been working on it on and off for a while, more posts will come eventually. Always, dedicated to Someone.
Part One Bob spent the next few days watching Gerard closely, determined to figure out what was happening. It hadn't taken much snooping to find the broken vase. He vaguely remembered Mrs. Way sending a bunch of tulips and Mikey grinning as he dragged Gerard from the bus to buy something suitable to put them in. They had been laughing so hard when they got back that no one could understand a word they were saying. Bob smiled remembering the easy infectious laughter that had the whole band giggling within moments. He wondered at the significance of the broken vase, he was sure it had been on the small table next to the couch that the argument had taken place on. But why would either Gerard or Mikey smash it? Then there was the text message that Mikey had shown him. What wouldn't Gerard do that Mikey wanted badly enough for the ultimatum of 'Do it or I leave'? Bob had never known the brothers to give each other the silent treatment for more than a few minutes at a time and often giggling while they did, it was now three weeks since Mikey had left. He was growing more concerned by the day, and now that Mikey was avoiding him it was getting harder to piece the puzzle together.
"Hey Bob, you awake in there?" Ray's voice filtered through the curtain of his bunk, dragging him out of his thoughts. "The studio's free. You wanna join me?"
"Yeah, yeah, just give me a sec'." Bob heard Ray opening the door to the studio and heaved himself up. Sitting with his head in his hands, legs hanging off the bunk he realised that without something more, without one of the brothers talking to him, he wasn't going to get anywhere.