Jan 31, 2005 00:24
Hello out there. There is not much to report in Jackieland as of now. I don't feel like writing well-structured sentences or including vivid details, so this may be a somewhat rudimentary post. I might as well update anyway, while I am still thinking about doing so. In general, I have been doing nothing but completing my scholarly duties and keeping mostly to myself, but I still have plenty of those memorable moments that make life interesting. Here is some recent news.
First of all, I found out I took COM-102 for no reason. When I received my report card, I saw that my grade signified I had taken the class before, meaning that this past term I had repeated it for no credit. After speaking with my high school counselor, who was just as clueless as I, we finally figured out that my AP class counted for credit hours in not only COM-101 but also COM-102. Interestingly enough, my lovely college was well aware, but did not stop me from wasting my time enrolling in the course for a second time. Thankfully it was my favorite class. Otherwise I would be incredibly angry that I woke up early and wrote four major essays completely for my health. Overall, I'm glad it happened because I met some good friends and an incredible teacher while brushing up on my skills.
I love going to school only twice a week this semester. Speech class with Kevin and psychology with Jenna should be really fun! Although I can't say I am particularly fond of being in class by 8 AM, I'm satisfied with my schedule. I am taking subjects I know next to nothing about, and all the new facts are remarkably helpful in understanding all the things I have ever learned. Every bit of knowledge interlocks to become an incredible display of enlightenment. Interdisciplinary approaches have always fascinated me. I truly love learning, so I am excited to be back in school.
My cousin Peter got married this month. Our last name can finally be passed on once again! It was a pretty reception and I got to wear my new dress. Daddy and I did the polka together. I'm next in line to get married. That's an interesting thought. Let's not ponder it quite yet.
As far as my resolutions go, I have not fully dedicated myself to them. As was so eloquently stated in Shakespeare's Hamlet, "What to ourselves in passion we propose, The passion ending, doth the purpose lose" (Act III, Scene II). What I mean to say is I didn't keep any of my resolutions. Hahaha! It's a tradition! I did, however, make some progress with a few of the resolutions I did not name in my last post. For example, I see my family more, spend most of my spare time reading, and do more chores around the house. Much of my encouragement has come from Jess, Dan, and Emily. Nikki-Poo and Steve do wonders helping me execute my plans too. Thank you for your support! I love ya!!!
There is probably more I could record here, but I will not bother at this time. Until we meet again, goodbye.