falling slowly (upwards spiral) - Kris/Adam - NC17

Feb 09, 2011 12:02

Title: falling slowly (upwards spiral)
Author: jeyhawk
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Kris/Adam
Beta: sbb23! <333
Word Count: ~10,500
Disclaimer: Not true. Not even a little bit. Not even at all.
Summary: The problem, Kris thinks, isn't the wolf's instinctual surrender; it's the human's complete capitulation.

Notes: Thank to sbb23 for the beta. I don't know what I'd do without you. <333 Also, thanks to elizaria for alpha reading, encouragement, and suggestions. The next time you come to visit I promise I'll stock up on breakfast foods at the very least. <333 Lastly, I'm going to dedicate this to daemonicangel because I happen to owe her about a million words for different charity efforts. <333

( Posted @ kradamadcakes)

kradam, kradamadcakes

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