Sherlock BBC & TSN & American Idol RPF Fic Index

Sep 12, 2014 14:51

Star Trek AOS:


Less Than 5,000 Words:

142 Days
College AU. Jim's roommate is a dick. A dick dick. A super dick.
link to story | @ Archive of Our Own


Sherlock BBC:


Less Than 5,000 Words:

The Science of Emotion
Post Reichenbach. When Sherlock disappears John takes to YouTube to vent his emotions and becomes internet famous overnight.
link to story | @ Archive of Our Own


The Social Network:


Less Than 5,000 Words:

free your mind (and the rest will follow)
Telepathy AU. Andrew is seven years old the first time he hears someone's thoughts. He's twenty-nine when it stops.
link to story | @ Archive of Our Own

5,000 - 10,000 Words:

make me end where i begun
Jesse/Andrew- NC17
AU. The one where Andrew has been in an abusive relationship and Jesse isn't sure about a lot of things, but is really sure about Andrew.
link to story | @ Archive of Our Own

10,000 - 20,000 Words:

all your bases are belong to me COMPLETE (13,901 words + extras)
Jesse/Andrew - NC17
College AU. Jesse and Andrew are roommates and best friends and sometimes (when Jesse's had more than three beers) they are more.
second base
Jesse/Andrew - NC17
Nipple play. Andrew POV. 2,511 words.
link to story

third base
Jesse/Andrew - NC17
Andrew POV. 2,484 words.
link to story

strike out to third base again
Jesse/Andrew - NC17
Andrew POV. 4,195 words.
link to story

home run
Jesse/Andrew - NC17
Andrew POV. 4,711 words.
link to story

fluid bonding
Jesse/Andrew - NC17
Andrew POV. 576 words.
link to story

Jesse/Andrew - PG
Jesse POV. 3,569 words. Set before the main story.
link to story

and the moon is swimming naked
Jesse/Andrew- NC17
AU. Get together fic where they meet at a community theatre and Jesse has a girlfriend.
link to story | @ Archive of Our Own

The Giraffe Notes
Jesse/Andrew- NC17
AU. The one where Jesse is a mouse, Andrew a giraffe, and they fall in love over the internet.
link to story | @ Archive of Our Own | tumblr

More Than 20,000 Words:

stumbling towards serenity
Jesse/Andrew- NC17
Almost High School AU. Andrew is Jesse's best friend's older brother. They fall in love over the course of a summer.
link to story | @ Archive of Our Own



Less Than 5,000 Words:

Velociraptor Heart
Mark/Eduardo- R
Post Deposition Fix-It Staying angry with Mark is much harder than Eduardo anticipated.
link to story | @ Archive of Our Own

5,000 - 10,000 Words:

Hoodie Strings (i want to chew your)
Mark/Eduardo- NC17
College AU. Wardo is nineteen and a virgin cartoon animal, and Mark is a pervert.
link to story | @ Archive of Our Own

10,000 - 20,000 Words:

relationship status: it was always about you
Mark/Eduardo- NC17
College AU. The one were they fall in love in a coffee shop.
link to story | @ Archive of Our Own

More Than 20,000 Words:

Maze (you got me running through)
Mark/Eduardo- NC17
Boarding School AU. The one where Mark is overprotective, Eduardo is a wet kitten in dire need of hugs, and they fall awkwardly in love.
link to story | @ Archive of Our Own


American Idol RPF:


Less Than 5,000 Words:

The Anti-Type
Adam/Kris - PG
College AU. Kris doesn't have a type, but if he had one, Adam wouldn't be it.
link to story | @ Archive of Our Own

A Chance Meeting
Adam/Kris - PG
Adam is a figure skater, Kris is a snowboarder. The Olympics are on. (Just go with the flow, this is too silly to have a summary anyway.)
link to story | @ Archive of Our Own

there's always a reason to take the scenic route
Adam/Kris - R
Future fic. They're not as much lost as they're slightly misplaced and everything turns out alright in the end.
link to story | @ Archive of Our Own

forever sounds about right
Adam/Kris - R
An encounter in the ER leads to a new beginning for Adam and Kris.
link to story @ kradamkiss | @ Archive of Our Own

Genie In The Closet
Adam/Kris - R
Kris is a genie, Adam is a rockstar and Brad is the fairy godmother.
link to story @
kradamadness | @ Archive of Our Own

As Long As You Hold My Heart
Adam/Kris - PG13
AU. Kris is determined to win Adam's heart and if it take a tiara and a sparkly wand (the plastic kind, thank you very much) to get Adam to notice him, he's willing to go all in.
link to story @
kradamadness | @Archive of Our Own

5,000 - 10,000 Words:

mint condition, special edition, very rare and lined with glitter
Adam/Kris - PG13
Kris's friends sends him on a singles cruise to get over his not so recent break up. No one, least of all Kris, predicted he would end up falling for the entertainment.
link to story | @ Archive of Our Own
kite building for dummies
Adam/Kris - PG13
Sequel to mint condition, special edition, very rare and lined with glitter. Kris and Adam go camping with their families.
link to story | @ Archive of Our Own

No Time To Ring The Alarm
Adam/Kris - R
Kris and Adam are detectives working undercover in a night club to solve a series of crimes when Kris's first case as a detective comes back to haunt him.
link to story | @ Archive of Our Own

doesn't have to be perfect, just has to be real
Adam/Kris - NC17
Future fic. Adam ends up in a coma and Kris wakes him up with a kiss because there's a Prince Charming to every Sleeping Beauty.
link to story | @ Archive of Our Own

Lose Your Inhibitions
Adam/Kris - NC17
Kris gets an 'intimate' massage gift card for his birthday...
link to story | @ Archive of Our Own

(Adult) Toy Story
Adam/Kris - NC17
Established Relationship. Uhm… Porn with toys (of the adult kind) and absolutely ridiculous amounts of schmoop.
link to story | @ Archive of Our Own

sliding in all directions
Adam/Kris - R
High School AU. Most of the time Kris is okay, he really is, but then out of the blue a stray thought will hit him from that subconscious part of the mind that just won't get it and the hurt will come back to the front like it was yesterday and not three years ago.
link to story | @ Archive of Our Own

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
Adam/Kris - NC17
Future fic. Eight years and a hundred songs later Adam shows up on Kris's bus-step and follows him on tour.
link to story | @ Archive of Our Own

The Snow Diamond
Adam/Kris - NC17 for kradamreversebb
AU Kris and Adam are rivaling thieves with their hearts set on the same prize - an invaluable necklace. At least that's what Kris thinks, Adam has a completely different prize in mind…
link to story | @ Archive of Our Own

you're dumbstruck baby (by my lovin')
Adam/Kris - NC17
AU The one were they're on tour with a musical.
link to story | @ Archive of Our Own

10,000 - 20,000 Words:

falling slowly (upwards spiral)
Adam/Kris - NC17
Werewolf AU The problem, Kris thinks, isn't the wolf's instinctual surrender; it's the human's complete capitulation.
link to story @ kradamadcakes | @ Archive of Our Own

knocking on your door (baby, baby, please now)
Adam/Kris - NC17
Future fic. Kris and Adam suffer from perpetually bad timing, but a near brush with death makes Kris realize that some things in life are worth fighting for.
link to story | @ Archive of Our Own

Falling All Over You Mostly finished.
Adam/Kris - NC17
A 'verse of AU ficlets where Kris and Adam bump into each other and have sex (in public places, no less). All parts can be read as stand-alones, but there is a bigger picture.
Bumpy Ride | Spilled Coffee | Crowded Club | More Music | Moving Pictures | Wanting More | After Hours | In one post @ Archive of Our Own

from this moment (you are the one)
Adam/Kris - NC17
To save his family's winery Kris accepts a surprise proposal from an old friend. Contemporary Arranged Marriage fic, just go with the flow, okay?
link to story | @ Archive of Our Own
from this moment
Kris/Adam - PG
Prequel. Kris leaves Idol.
link to story | @ Archive of Our Own

right beside you is where I belong
Kris/Adam - PG13
Kris and Adam arrive at their honeymoon destination.
link to story | @ Archive of Our Own

Fated (or why you shouldn't have one night stands with hopeless romantics)
Adam/Kris - NC17
A chance meeting, a one night stand, a cowardly departure, and a romantic gesture.
link to story | @ Archive of Our Own

Save Tonight
Adam/Kris - NC17
Detective Kris Allen volunteers for an undercover operation ran by FBI agent Adam Lambert. Things don't turn out the way either of them planned…
link to story | @ Archive of Our Own

the only engine of survival for kradambigbang
Adam/Kris - NC17
The one were they meet as prisoners on a remote island.
link to story | @ Archive of Our Own

More Than 20,000 Words:

Always The Best Friend for kradambigbang
Adam/Kris - NC17
Kris Allen is tired of always being cast as the best friend in other people's lives. When he first meets Adam Lambert and actually manages to ask him out on a date he thinks things will be different, but history repeats itself all over again and Kris is stuck pining over a guy that just wants to be his friend. But is it really only friendship Adam wants, and is Kris really just going to take it this time when there's so much at stake?
Master Post | Part One | Part Two | Art Post | In one post @ Archive of Our Own

Tightly Knit for kradambigbang
Adam/Kris - NC17
College student Adam Lambert doesn't really believe in the magical powers of knitting needles until he meets Kris Allen, knitting shop owner by day and gay erotica writer by night. Kris is an enigma wrapped in an adorable package and Adam finds himself wanting to strip away his layers (literally as well as figuratively), but at the end of the day will that be enough to make Adam mess with his carefully laid plans, or will his desire to "make it" stand in the way of true love?
Master Post | Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Art Post (with soundtrack) | In one post @ Archive of Our Own

The Road Less Travelled
Adam/Kris - NC17
Future fic. Sometimes the road to happiness is brightly lit, easily navigated, and smooth. Sometimes it isn't.
link to story | @ Archive of Our Own
The Road Less Travelled (but we're on it together)
Adam/Kris - NC17
Epilogue to The Road Less Travelled
link to story | @ Archive of Our Own




Adam/Tommy - NC17
Charity ficlet for korestemenos.
link to story


Updated: July 26, 2013

fic index

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