Always The Best Friend - Kradam - NC17

Jul 14, 2010 23:01

Title: Always The Best Friend
Author: jeyhawk
Artist: acquiescence_
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. fic•tion noun 1. a literary work based on the imagination and not necessarily on fact, 2. a deliberately false or improbable account [syn: fabrication]
Pairing: Kris/Adam (Adam/OMC, Kris/Brad)
Rating: NC17
Word Count: ~ 17,000+
Notes: Written for kradambigbang Notes and credits at the end.

Banner by acquiescence_

Kris Allen is tired of always being cast as the best friend in other people's lives. When he first meets Adam Lambert and actually manages to ask him out on a date he thinks things will be different, but history repeats itself all over again and Kris is stuck pining over a guy that just wants to be his friend. But is it really only friendship Adam wants, and is Kris really just going to take it this time when there's so much at stake?

Master Post | Part One | Part Two | Art Post

kradam, big bang

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