(Falling All Over You) Wanting More - Kradam - NC17

Feb 22, 2010 09:58

Title: Wanting More
'Verse: Falling All Over You, Part 6
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Adam/Kris
Beta: sbb23 Thank you, bb. ♥
Word Count: ~3,800
Disclaimer: Not true. Not even a little bit. Not even at all.
Warnings: Public Sex
Summary: Kris is jealous. Adam worries. Sex happens. Words are exchanged.

Notes: Falling All Over You is a 'verse of AU ficlets where Kris and Adam bump into each other and have sex (in public places, no less). All parts can be read as stand-alones, but there is a bigger picture. :D Also this is now for sparkysparky who won my services in the help_haiti auction. :D:D

Bumpy Ride | Spilled Coffee | Crowded Club | More Music | Moving Pictures | NEW: Wanting More

Kris's good mood after his Sunday meeting with Adam lasts for a whole week, during which he just won't stop smiling (much to the annoyance of his friends). For the first time their relationship strayed into the territory of being a real thing and Kris just can't stop thinking about it. After the movie, the sex and the cuddling, Adam bought him a new t-shirt from a store next to the movie complex and they had lunch at one of Kris's favorite Chinese restaurants not far from his apartment.

Afterwards they made out like a couple of teenagers in the alley behind the restaurant until they were discovered by one of the waiters taking out the trash. At that point Adam was so tired from not sleeping all night he was pretty much swaying on his feet so with one last kiss they said their goodbyes. All in all it was a spectacular day and while Kris didn't really learn a whole lot of new things about Adam, Adam now knows everything about Kris.

Thinking about it Kris is almost embarrassed about how much he talked, but Adam kept asking questions so it's really all his fault. The conversation should have been strained, considering how little Adam is willing to share about himself, but it wasn't at all and it's not like Kris talked all the time. Adam got a few words in edgewise.

Cale says it'll all end in heartache and at this point Kris thinks that maybe he's right, but he can't even bring himself to care. His mother once told him that heartache is the price you pay for your ability to love and he always thought that was pretty clever. He'd rather have his heart broken than not have a heart at all. At least that's what he thinks until it actually happens.

On Monday, a week after their movie not-date, Kris spots Adam again, in Whole Foods of all places. He's just about to approach him, heart doing happy somersaults in his chest, when he realizes Adam isn't alone. There's a skinny guy with weirdly cut two-toned hair and too many layers of clothing standing next to him, one long-fingered hand resting on Adam's arm.

Kris isn't quite prepared for the red-hot jealousy that makes his stomach clench. There's nothing overly intimate about the picture they paint, nothing that screams “boyfriends,” but when the two-toned guy leans in to say something in Adam's ear and Adam throws his head back laughing, Kris actually wants to kill him. It's an ugly feeling and one he's never quite experienced before, not like this.

Adam cranes his neck suddenly and Kris steps in behind a shelf, heart banging against his ribcage. He stays hidden, clutching his basket to his chest. He doesn't want to step out and come face to face with Adam -- that would be too embarrassing. Then suddenly he hears Adam's voice coming from way too close.

"Tommy, can you grab some grape juice? I think we're out."

Kris darts his eyes around and spots the grape juice, about two feet from his face. It seems he'll have to pick between Adam and Tommy, unless Adam comes to help Tommy look because in that case Kris is screwed. Kris turns around, pretending to study the shelf with avid interest, but if someone asked him, he wouldn't be able to name a single thing on it.

He feels rather than hears Tommy coming up behind him and he cranes his neck slightly to watch him out of the corner of his eye. It's the guy with the two-toned hair, and up close he's kind of pretty, with his pouty lips and his eyeliner. Kris hates him.

"Grape grape, or grapefruit?" Tommy asks suddenly and Kris stiffens, almost moving into the shelf. He realizes suddenly that he can see Adam through the shelf, or, well, his stomach anyway.

"Grape grape of course," Adam says. "Since when do I drink grapefruit juice?"

Kris stares at Adam's stomach, licking his lips when Adam reaches up to grab something on the top shelf, making the shirt ride up to reveal a sliver of skin. Then suddenly Adam bends down, presumably to grab something else, and Kris finds himself staring into Adam's eyes. The basket slips from his suddenly numb fingers, clattering to the floor, and Kris is moving away even before recognition makes Adam's eyes widen.

He hears Adam shout his name behind him, but he doesn't stop, pushing his way past the line at the register with his eyes trained at the door and blood whooshing in his ears. He starts running as soon as he's out the door and he doesn't stop until he's blocks away from the store, turning into a narrow alley between two buildings and leaning up against the wall to catch his breath. His legs are trembling and his breath comes in sharp almost painful gasps and somehow he doesn't think it has anything to do with the exertion.

The alley smells like garbage and exhaust fumes and Kris scrubs a hand over his face, sucking in deep breaths in an attempt to calm his racing heart. Running away was stupid - he doesn't know what possessed him. He's not a fifteen year old with a crush. He should be able to face the fact that Adam knows other people, even if other people are lithe and good looking and obviously live with Adam.

"Fuck," he says to the alley at large, but the garbage cans don't talk back. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck."


The shift from good mood to absolutely horrible mood doesn't go unnoticed and eventually Cale and Andrew manage to drag the entire sordid story out of Kris. They don't agree on a lot of things (they've made bickering like an old married couple into a sport) but they both say the same thing about the whole Adam situation and Kris thinks that maybe they have a point. So far Kris has mostly been going with the flow, letting Adam call all the shots, and if he's serious about this maybe it's time he set up some rules of his own.

Kris cares about Adam, probably a lot more than he should considering the odd state of their relationship, but he needs to care about himself, too. He can't put his life on hold forever for random unplanned hook-ups in public. He's already taking too many risks. If anyone found out about the way he's been acting lately he'd be out of a job faster than you can say whoa, and he quite likes his job. It's not what he was planning to do when he moved to LA and somewhere at the back of his mind he still dreams, but it's a job and he really likes his kids.

When Kris meets Adam the next time it's entirely unexpected and has him contemplating running again before he realizes what's happening. It's late, he's on his way home from a gig at Henry's, and even though the streets of LA might not be the safest as night he's caught completely off-guard when a black SUV with tinted windows pulls up alongside him.

His heart leaps into his throat and he starts looking around for a good escape route when the driver’s window lowers. Half expecting to see a gun pointing at him, he raises his hands to defend himself as if they would be any help if there actually was a gun. He's not sure it's a relief when the window lowers enough to reveal a pissed-off Adam, mouth set into a grim line.

"Get in the car, Kris," Adam says and his tone really leaves no room for objections.

Kris walks around the car to slip into the passenger seat with his head lowered and a red hot blush heating up his cheeks. In his head he's trying to come up with a reason for his running away that doesn't sound pathetic and he's failing miserably. The interior of the car is all sleek black and impeccably clean, somehow it suits Adam perfectly.

"Put your seatbelt on," Adam says, as soon as Kris closes the door. He sounds as pissed as he looks and Kris straps himself in with trembling fingers, wondering if he's being kidnapped.

"What were you thinking?" Adam asks as he pulls back into the street. "Walking around the streets of LA all alone in the middle of the night? The only thing you're missing is the ‘please rape me’ sign and with your common sense I'm sure you have one of those too."

Kris opens his mouth because that's so not what he expects Adam to say, but Adam's rant about how he's stupid and careless and too gullible for his own damn good continues before he can get a word in. Kris wonders if maybe Adam's been talking to his mom. Adam's hands are white-knuckled on the steering wheel and he's staring straight ahead with a frown between his eyebrows.

"I can't…" Adam finally looks at him. "I can't worry about you, too."

Kris doesn't know what to say, the whole macho chivalry act is really kind of cute and Adam looks so torn up about it, but he has no right. He's the one that keeps walking away. Adam pulls into an abandoned parking lot and turns the engine off, falling back against his seat with closed eyes, hands still on the wheel.

"I'm doing this all wrong," Adam says, eyes opening again. "Whatever I do, it's all wrong."

"It's not all wrong," Kris says, reaching over to pat Adam's thigh. Why is it so hard to stay angry with him? "The sex part is pretty good."

Adam chuckles tiredly and shakes his head. "Yeah," he says. "That's pretty good."

Kris doesn't even know what he's about to do until he's doing it, slipping out of the seatbelt and kicking off his shoes before climbing into Adam's seat to straddle his thighs. Maybe it's shameless, the way he wants this, but he doesn't really care. He never knew real passion before he met Adam and he can't bring himself to be ashamed that he wants it like this, that he just wants.

They should talk, he's got things to say that he thinks Adam needs to hear, but right now he just wants to kiss - to make out until he can't tell up from down and right from wrong. Adam opens his eyes to look at him, hands coming up to rest on Kris's hips.

"This is not why I picked you up," Adam says, but his eyes are already darkening, thumbs brushing along Kris's hipbones.

"I know," Kris answers, leaning forward to brush a soft kiss against Adam's lips.

Adam follows him back, stealing another kiss, just as soft as the first one. Kris opens up Adam's seatbelt, moving it out of the way and Adam pushes his chair back before lowering the seatback so that Kris ends up almost lying on top of him, straddling him like a frog. Kris rests his elbows on Adam's chest, just looking at him. The seat is roomy enough for it to not be uncomfortable and he bends down again, licking another kiss into Adam's mouth.

"I don't get you," Adam says, sliding his hands up Kris's back.

"Yeah? Me neither," Kris responds, sitting up to pull his shirt over his head. The tinted windows and the late hour give them some semblance of privacy and it will just have to be enough.

Adam takes advantage of his bare chest, sliding his hands up to cup Kris's pecs, his thumbs rubbing circles around Kris's hardening nipples. Kris sucks in a breath, pleasure sizzling down to pool at his groin.

"You like that?" Adam asks, pinching one of Kris's nipples and Kris bites back a groan, catching his lower lip between his teeth. "You do."

Adam pushes himself up to lick at one of Kris's nipples, sliding his tongue around the hardened nub while his hands slip down to cup Kris's ass. Kris makes a noise of approval burying his fingers in Adam's thick hair. He's already hard, cock throbbing against his jeans and when Adam bites down lightly on his nipple, he throws his head back with a groan.

"You really like that," Adam murmurs sounding pleased. His tongue comes out to soothe the momentary hurt and Kris shivers. "What more do you like?" Adam asks. "Tell me how to drive you insane."

"You already do," Kris murmurs.

Since Adam is now sitting up fully Kris lets himself slide down on Adam's lap, shifting so that his legs are curled around Adam's back, one arm slung around Adam's shoulders and one hand still in Adam's hair, keeping him still for a long sultry kiss. Adam's hands roam freely over Kris's back until he slides one down the back of Kris's jeans, fingers grazing at the cleft of his ass.

"Yeah," Kris breathes. "I like that."

"Okay." Adam licks his lips. "Yeah. Clothes need to be off."

Kris agrees and somehow they manage to wriggle and shift and balance without braining each other in the process until Kris is fully naked and Adam's almost naked but for the jeans tangled around his feet. Kris slides into Adam's lap again, bringing their hard cocks together as he pulls Adam into another messy kiss.

"Mmmm, " Adam murmurs against his lips. "Do you still come prepared?"

"Yeah," Kris answers, fumbling behind him until he catches the strap of his bag, pulling it up on the passenger seat.

It takes him a minute to find the supplies at the bottom of his bag, wrapped in a plastic bag and hidden in a pouch. The way Adam entertains himself with sucking, licking and nipping at nipples while he works doesn't really help at all, and when he finally pushes the lube into Adam's hand he's flushed and breathless.

"Meanie," he murmurs against Adam's lips, before giving him a kiss.

"Mhmm," Adam agrees, running his tongue along Kris's lower lip.

The familiar snick of the lube being opened makes Kris's stomach clench in anticipation and when Adam lays back he follows easily. Adam's slick fingers slide between his cheeks without preamble, rubbing up against his opening, and he groans into Adam's mouth.

"I'll put that on the list of things you like," Adam says as Kris rocks back against his fingers.

"Yeah," Kris admits, squeezing his eyes shut and moving his elbows to the seat above Adam’s shoulders and resting his weight there.

"A lot," Adam amends, when the first slick slide of a finger into him makes Kris utter a really embarrassing amount of noise.

Things go a bit hazy after that with Kris rocking back against Adam's fingers and rubbing up against his cock until it feels as if he's slick and loose all over. He doesn't need this much preparation but every solid stroke of Adam's fingers makes him moan and Adam keeps murmuring filthy encouragement into his skin. Three fingers is a bit of a stretch but so worth it when Adam rubs up against that place in him, making him shudder and drop his sweaty forehead to rest against Adam's.

"Mmmm… If you want to fuck me," he pants. "Oh… You better… yeah… better do it now or… fuck. I'm gonna come all over you."

He reaches out and fumbles around with uncooperative fingers until he finds the condom he dropped on the passenger seat, tearing the package open with his teeth and reaching down between them to curl his hand around Adam's hard cock. Adam groans, hips twitching up, and Kris can't resist the urge to run his fingers all over the slick silky skin, rubbing his thumb over the leaking head.

"Now," Adam says, voice strained and Kris quickly slips the condom over the steely shaft. He finds the lube next to his knee and slicks Adam up with trembling fingers, stupid with want.

Adam slides his fingers out and Kris moves into position, holding Adam still as he sinks down, down, down. It doesn't even burn this time, it just feels overwhelming and good and really fucking amazing. He doesn't wait to get adjusted, doesn't wait at all, he just braces his weight on his hands and starts riding - moving up until Adam almost slips out and then all the way back down making sparks go off in his brain. He's aware he's making a lot of noise, babbled gibberish interspersed with drawn out moans, but he can't stop himself.

"Jesus fuck," Adam gasps, running his hands all over Kris's damp skin. "So fucking hot like this… fucking yourself on my cock… fuck… you have no idea."

They say size doesn't matter and Kris always kind of thought that was true, but it's clearly a fucking lie because Adam is huge and hard and fucking amazing, hitting him in all the right spots all at once. He's pretty sure he tells Adam that, or at least something about his huge fantastic cock that Adam can maybe make out over the panting, but he doesn't even care.

He arches his back, sliding down harder, faster, his gibberish tapering off into a constant repetition of yes yes yes Adam fuck yes Adam Adam Adam. Adam's hips come up to meet him thrust for thrust and Kris doesn't even know how to deal, throwing his head back and just keeping still letting Adam fuck into him. He reaches behind him, holding onto the steering wheel, body arched in a taut bow.

"Fuck," Adam groans. "Jesus fuck… Kris."

He pries his eyes open to watch, realizing what a picture of complete abandon he paints. His cock is flushed red and drooling precome in ridiculous amounts sliding down from the head to drip onto Adam's stomach. Adam's hands grip his hips hard, pulling him down.

"Come for me baby," he says. "I wanna see you lose it."

Kris bites down on his lip, meeting Adam's frantic thrust with short sharp movements of his hips. His thighs are trembling with strain but stopping is not an option. Then Adam pulls him down hard, one last time, and just like that he's coming - cock jerking as he comes hard enough to hit Adam in the face.

Adam just laughs, pulling him down on top of him again to kiss him open-mouthed and slick while he keeps rocking into Kris's body, aftershocks making him shudder with their intensity.

"Fuck," Adam moans into his moans. "Fuck, yeah, Kriiiiissss…"

He pushes up one last time, body arching as he comes, before he collapses back onto the seat and Kris sprawls on top of him, completely boneless.

"Fuck," Adam says, voice shot and raw.

"You could say that," Kris agrees, rubbing his cheek against Adam's shoulder. It's late and he's tired and he could easily fall asleep like this.

"That was off-the-scales hot," Adam says, stroking his fingers up Kris's back. "I wish you could have seen yourself."

"I'm kind of happy I couldn't," Kris mutters, shifting his head to lick a stray drop of come from Adam's neck. He's not a natural exhibitionist and Adam shouldn't hold the fact that he can't think rationally while impaled on Adam's cock against him.

"You're such an enigma," Adam says and Kris musters enough energy to lift his head, because really? "Everything about you is so unassuming and then underneath your clothes you're just this amazingly hot shameless fucking twink and I can't even deal."

Kris blinks and then he laughs. It's possible that sex makes Adam crazy. "You're such a head case," he says, finally sliding off Adam's lap.

"Says the guy who just initiated sex in a car," Adam responds, pushing himself up on his elbows to steal a kiss before Kris moves fully away.

Kris rolls his eyes and shifts back to the passenger seat, starting the strenuous task of wriggling back into his clothes. He's quite pleased to notice that the car isn't surrounded by gawkers since he managed to forget about keeping quiet as usual. He also managed to forget about everything he was supposed to say and now all those things are backing up on his tongue again.

He doesn't feel dirty, not quite, and he doesn't regret it. He just feels empty and kind of sad. It shouldn't end with Kris stepping out of the car and Adam driving away when everything about them is so amazing.

"So you really just picked me up to yell at me with no ulterior motives at all?" Kris asks as he pulls his shirt back on. "Man, I'm disappointed in you."

"Considering you ran away the last time we met I didn't want to get my hopes up," Adam answers, smacking Kris on the arm. "What was that all about anyway?"

Kris doesn't really want to be reminded of Tommy so he makes a face at Adam, crinkling his nose. "You had company," he says, trying to sound casual but judging by Adam's grin he's failing miserably.

"You were jealous," Adam says.

"No, I wasn't," Kris says quickly.

"Oh my God, you totally were."

Kris glares, settling back into the seat and putting his seatbelt on.

"He's just a friend," Adam says, reaching out to touch Kris's elbow. "He's been staying with me for a while because his girlfriend kicked him out."

"Yeah," Kris says, turning his head to stare resolutely out the window. "It just gets to me, you know? That this isn't a real relationship."

Adam doesn't answer and when Kris looks at him, he's fiddling with the settings of his chair. Kris shakes his head and looks out the window again. He should have known talking about things wouldn't make anything better, but maybe it's better to face the heartache head on than to deal with in three months when he realizes he's just never going to bump into Adam again.

"I know where you live," Adam says. "I know where you work. I was watching your set at Henry's tonight from just inside the door. I know you practice there on Tuesdays and Thursdays if you can make it and I know how you like your coffee because I've watched you buy it so many times."

Kris turns back to Adam with a start, surprised and maybe a little creeped out.

"I couldn't leave it up to chance," Adam says. "Not entirely. My life gets too depressing without my semi-weekly Kris fix."

Kris snorts. "You're creepy."

"Yeah? You're cute."

Kris just shakes his head. "If anything happened to you," he says, low and serious. "I would never know, and it kills me inside. I can't keep doing this. It's not fair to me."

Adam's face falls, and he curls his hands hard around the steering wheel. "I understand," he says, but his voice is flat and empty.

They don't talk again and when Kris slips out of the car outside his door, his heart feels heavy. He might have just put an end to the most amazing thing to ever happen to him.

The End. (Not the end end, I'm not that mean.)

Continued: After Hours

kradam, falling all over you, for charity

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