(Falling All Over You) More Music - Kradam - NC17

Feb 18, 2010 20:05

Title: More Music
'Verse: Falling All Over You, Part 4
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Adam/Kris
Beta: sbb23 Thank you, bb. ♥
Word Count: ~2,400
Disclaimer: Not true. Not even a little bit. Not even at all.
Warnings: Public Sex
Summary: A meeting in a bar gives Kris more pieces to the Adam puzzle and he realizes that not everything in life has to make sense. (Oh, and there's bench sex. LOL)

Notes: Falling All Over You is a 'verse of AU ficlets where Kris and Adam bump into each other and have sex (in public places, no less). All parts can be read as stand-alones, but there is a bigger picture. :D Also this is now for sparkysparky who won my services in the help_haiti auction. :D:D

Bumpy Ride | Spilled Coffee | Crowded Club | NEW: More Music

Not far from the school where Kris works there's a bar/piano bar situated at the corner of two busy streets. It doesn't look like much from the outside, with its dusty windows and outdated neon sign above the door where two of the olives lost their shine long before Kris ever found the place, but inside it's homey and the food is surprisingly good. That's not why Kris keeps coming back though; he comes for the Steinway hidden away in the downstairs piano bar, all but abandoned during the day.

Henry, the owner, won it in a bet twenty years ago and it's been standing in his bar ever since. He lets Kris use it during the day, the soundproofed walls blocking his melodies from the afternoon crowd, and in return Kris fills in whenever there's an opening in the schedule. It's not that often, rarely more than a few nights a month, and he thinks it's a fair trade for getting to use the piano whenever he wants.

Usually he stops by on Tuesdays and Thursdays when his classes let out early if he doesn’t have too much work piled up. The acoustics are amazing and sometimes he just sits there, playing the same few chords over and over because he just can't get over how good it sounds. Not today though, today he's rehearsing a couple of new songs in case Henry calls on him to play during the weekend. Doing the same set every time gets boring and he likes changing the songs up a bit.

He's so into Ain't No Sunshine that he doesn't hear the door opening, so when someone starts clapping when the last note has rung out he's almost startled off the bench. He looks up to find Adam standing just inside the door, almost blending into the shadows in his black and grey ensemble. Kris never bothered turning on the overhead light, he likes the intimacy of just a small light by the piano, but now he kind of regrets that.

He can't really believe that Adam is right there -- he hasn't seen him since their meeting in the club almost two weeks ago and he wonders how Adam found him here. Adam crosses the floor to sit down on the bench next to him, close enough that his thigh is pressed up against Kris's.

"That was really good," he says. "You have a great voice."

Kris blinks, flushing slightly at the compliment, not because he hasn't heard it before but because it comes from Adam.

"Play me something else," Adam says and Kris's fingers starts moving on the keys before he's even thought about it.

He picks a song at random;, it's not in his usual repertoire and it doesn't really fit his voice, but as soon as he starts playing it Adam sucks in a breath beside him, going tense all over. His fingers falter slightly on the keys, but then Adam starts singing and there's no way he's going to stop playing. Adam's voice is soft at first, pensive, but then it builds in strength and sucks the air right out of Kris's lungs. He doesn't know why he picked Mad World, maybe because he heard it on his way to work this morning, but he's not sad that he did.

Adam can sing like no one Kris has ever heard. He knows he's good, but Adam's out of this world. The way he hits the high notes gives Kris chills, lingering here and adding strength there, and when the song ends he just wants to play it over and over and over again.

"Why did you pick that song?" Adam asks, voice low.

"I don't know," Kris says. "I think… maybe I heard it this morning?"

Adam sighs and shakes himself, as if he wants to shake off the pensive mood. "I promised a friend I will sing this song at his funeral," Adam says without looking at Kris.

Kris wants to say something to lighten the mood, but something in Adam's tone tells him that it isn't a matter of if, but when his friend dies, so instead he just covers one of Adam's hands with his own, squeezing lightly.

"I'm sorry," Adam says, scrubbing his other hand over his face. "I didn't come here to dump my problems on you."

"It's okay," Kris says. "You… uh… you can do that, if you want."

Adam turns to look at him for the first time then he smiles. "I really can, can't I?"


Adam is seriously damaged if he doesn't realize that Kris would love to get to know him better. Kris is so not the type to have casual public sex with just anyone, but then Adam doesn't know that because he doesn't really know Kris.

"I just wanted to apologize," Adam says, problems obviously pushed out of his mind for now. "The way I acted in the club… that was really shitty of me."

Kris shrugs. The need to make apologies for Adam is almost overwhelming, but he clamps his mouth shut. Adam probably has his reasons, but truth is that he just keeps walking away from this and it's not fucking fair.

"I just… Do you have a boyfriend? Is that why…"

"No," Adam says, sounding aghast. "No, no. I'm not like… Shit, that's what you thought?"

Kris gives him a look. "We keep hooking up, you keep walking away, you say you shouldn't be doing this… It was a logical conclusion."

Adam shakes his head hard enough to send his bangs flying across his face. "That's not… You're not a thing on the side, okay? You're the only thing I have right now."

"Oh," Kris says, frowning.

"I know I'm behaving like an asshole all the time and I’ll understand if you just tell me to fuck off, but my life really sucks right now. You're pretty much the only good thing in it and I keep fucking this up too. I just…" Adam makes a vague gesture with his hand that Kris can't for the life of him interpret, but with the way his heart is banging against his ribcage he supposes it doesn't matter.

Kris lets his eyes slip shut for a moment. In his head he goes through all his reasons why this is such a spectacularly bad idea. For all he knows, Adam could be lying through his teeth right now, but somehow Kris believes he's telling the truth. Maybe he doesn't fully understand Adam's reasons for not wanting to make more out of this, but he just can't get over the instant connection between them. Adam might piss him off every time they meet, but Kris has still smiled more in the last two months than he did the whole year before that. Maybe everything about life doesn't have to make sense.

He looks up, catching Adam's eyes, and realizes he's been silent long enough to make Adam's face fall again, putting a sad tilt to his lips. He smiles, reaching out to touch Adam's cheek. The skin under his fingers is matted with powder and there's just the slightest rasp of stubble.

"You know what I think?" Kris asks, sliding his hand up to bury in Adam's hair.

"No," Adam murmurs, turning his head into the touch.

"I think maybe you were right about some things being meant to be… unless you just pulled that out of your ass, ‘cause in that case I don't even remember you saying it."

Adam laughs, and it makes Kris's stomach flutter. "I meant every word," Adam says, and then he leans in and locks their lips together.

It's frantic and urgent and Kris is going to get a crick in his neck from craning it but he doesn't even care. He could kiss Adam forever. He's got one hand buried in Adam's thick hair and the other clutched in Adam's shirt, keeping him in place when his twisting almost makes him fall off the bench.

"Shit," Adam gasps, pulling away to suck in a few breaths. "You're like pint-sized Viagra or something."

"Pint-sized?" Kris asks, arching his eyebrows. Then he bursts out laughing because he remembers thinking almost exactly the same thing about Adam.

"Well, you are kind of tiny," Adam murmurs and bends down to nuzzle his lips behind Kris's ear. "It gets me hot all over."

"Fuck," Kris hisses, craning his neck to claim Adam's lips again. He's not going to admit it out loud, at least not right now, but the fact that Adam is so much bigger than him is a huge turn on. He never figured he would enjoy being manhandled but he'd let Adam do anything to him. In fact, that’s pretty much been the definition of their relationship so far. Right now though, he wants to do things to Adam.

Adam's eyes grow wide and dark when Kris slides down from the bench, slotting himself in between Adam's thighs. It's a tight fit, but sometimes being pint-sized is really kind of a blessing. He curls his hands around Adam's firm thighs, looking up at him with a smile. Adam slides his hands into Kris's hair, scratching at his scalp, and Kris bends forward burying his face in Adam's groin.

Adam smells like sex, dark and heady, and his dick is huge and hard against Kris's face. He mouths at it through Adam's jeans, drawing a groan from Adam's lips, and it makes his head spin with desire. He pulls back, looking up at Adam expectantly until Adam finally gets it, fumbling his belt open and pushing down his jeans.

Adam's cock is gorgeous. Flushed and hard it curls up towards his stomach, smearing precome at the edge of his t-shirt when Adam leans back to wrap his hands around the edge of the bench. Kris takes a moment to just look before slowly bending forward and licking a stripe up the length of it. He would like to take his time and savor the moment, but someone might walk in on them at any time and as much as that makes his cock twitch he doesn't really want to get caught in the act.

Adam groans low and drawn out when Kris slides his lips over the head of his cock and his hips twitch up from the bench, almost making it topple over. Kris almost chokes when Adam's cock slides further into his mouth, but he rests his weight on Adam's thighs to keep him still and starts sucking in earnest. He doesn't get to do this enough, he's only had two relationships since he moved to LA and neither of them lasted very long. Before that, while he was still in Arkansas, his sexual encounters were few and far between, and always left him with a sense of wrong.

There is nothing wrong about this though, the slick slides of Adam's cock against his tongue and the bitter-salt taste of his precome. There is nothing wrong about the sounds Adam makes, needy, desperate and choked off, and there's nothing wrong about the way it makes Kris's heart pound and his cock ache.

One of Adam's hands comes up to tangle in Kris's hair and Kris redoubles his efforts, letting himself choke on Adam's cock over and over until he's dizzy with it, but he doesn't want to stop ever. He moves one hand to slide along the shaft, slick with spit and precome, and sucks hard, making Adam gurgle above him, hips twitching against Kris's weight.

"Fuck," Adam curses. "Jesus… fuck Kris… I'm going to…"

Adam keeps babbling, choked-out cut-off phrases that don't mean anything, but that gets Kris so hot he can barely think, and when Adam finally comes it's with a too loud shout and a sudden burst of come spilling down Kris’s throat. Kris swallows and swallows, but some of it still dribbles out to make a mess of Adam's pubes, and when he finally pulls off he bends down low to lick it away.

"Holy fuck," Adam says, voice hoarse and raspy, thighs still twitching with aftershocks against Kris's elbows. Kris agrees with the sentiment pressing his face into Adam's hip, just breathing. He's so hard he feels as if he's about to burst at the seams and the taste of come and sex on his tongue really doesn't help.

Then Adam's pulling him up, manhandling him to straddle the bench and Kris just goes with it, leaning back on his hands completely shameless with how wanton he must look. Adam tucks himself into his pants, zipping up but not bothering with the belt and then he's straddling the bench too, fingers pretty much tearing Kris's pants open.

Kris shudders, biting down on his swollen lips to keep from moaning out loud. Then Adam's mouth is on him and it only takes two long, slick pulls for Kris to come, arching up from bench with the force of it. Adam keeps sucking through his orgasm, swallowing everything Kris has to offer, until Kris rests back against the bench, his head lolling back on his shoulders.

Adam lets him go then, sitting up only to pull Kris into his arms, kissing him soft and thorough, Kris's taste mingling with Adam's on his tongue. Kris fists his hands in Adam's shirt and lets Adam kiss him over and over until his head stops roaring and his limbs stop tingling. He pulls away then to rest his head on Adam's shoulder, letting himself just breathe. Adam's hands slide soft and gentle over Kris's back, lips pressed against his hair.

"That was pretty wow," Adam says, voice still husky.

Kris chuckles weakly. "I think they might have heard you in Europe."

Adam laughs, nuzzling his face against the side of Kris's head. "I wish everything was this easy," he says, and he sounds so sad that Kris swallows the response on the tip of his tongue.

Adam is still a mystery, but at least now Kris feels as though he has one more piece of the puzzle. He might not really know Adam any better than he did when Adam walked in, but he knows some new things about Adam - that he can sing like no one else and that he doesn't have a boyfriend. That will have to be enough for now.

The End.

I know I'm terribly behind on actually answering comments, but I read and appreciate all of them. ♥

Continued: Moving Pictures

kradam, falling all over you, for charity

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