Stupid For You - J2 - PG13

Dec 15, 2007 16:43

Title: Stupid For You
Author: jeyhawk
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Timestamp for: Stupidly In Love one day later requested by titheniel.
Rating: PG13
Summary: The morning after the events of Stupidly In Love.
Word Count: 2,272
Disclaimer: Not true. It's all lies, lies, lies and more lies.
Beta: The amazing ames1010!

Banner made by titheniel

Jared had always been a morning person, and apparently earth shaking revelations and late night jerking off sessions with his best friend did not change that fact. He blinked his eyes open just after eight, still curled around Jensen's sleeping form with a bitch of a backache. The fold out couch was apparently a piece of junk and he couldn’t believe Jensen had never said anything.

He gently disentangled himself from Jensen, getting no more than a sleepy grunt as a reaction. He smiled softly, letting his hand slide over Jensen's exposed, freckled shoulder. Had someone told him yesterday morning that he would fall asleep curled around his best friend he would have called them a dirty liar, or well, delusional, but as it turned out, it was the best thing that had ever happened to him.

It was like everything inside of him had finally been put in its right place, like he was a puzzle that had been scrambled, but now it was put together correctly, and strangely the image was one of Jensen’s face. How could he not have noticed this huge thing within him that was the way he felt about Jensen?

“I’m sorry,” he whispered, looking down on Jensen’s relaxed face. “I’ll make it up to you.”

He took a long shower, washing last night’s dried come off his body and getting rid of the kinks in his back. They were so sleeping in his bed from now on. After the shower, he changed into his running clothes, watching Jensen as he did so, wondering if the fact that Jensen was his was making the other man even more beautiful to him all of a sudden.

He paused by the couch on his way out, kneeling down and pressing a kiss to Jensen’s cheek.

“Going for a run, babe,” he murmured, running a hand through Jensen’s hair. “I’ll be back in a while.”

“Mmmff,” Jensen answered, rolling over to his stomach and Jared grinned, stroking his hand down the broad expanse of Jensen’s back.

His cock twitched and he almost forgot all about running in favor of getting back into bed, but he figured Jensen would want to shower and wake up before he was molested, so he straightened up with one last fleeting caress.

He bounced down the stairs from the loft, peeking his head in through the kitchen door to the house, finding his mom at the stove.

“Hey Mom,” he said with a grin.

“Darling,” she said with an answering smile. “You look to be in a good mood today.”

“Yeah, I am,” he answered. “I feel fantastic.”

“Want me to fix you boys some breakfast?”

“Would you?” he asked, using the puppy dog eyes on her.

She laughed. “There’s no need to use that look when I already offered. I’ll have it ready in a couple of hours.”

“Thanks Mom, you’re the best.”

She grabbed a banana from the counter and threw it at him, smiling when he caught it easily.

“She you later, kiddo.”

“Later,” Jared responded, closing the door after pulling his head out.

He wolfed down the banana before taking off on his morning jog, setting an easy pace for his tired body. The couch, in combination with last night’s anxiety, had him feeling like he was a hundred years old, his joints creaky and stiff. That soon changed with the run, though, and when he approached the house forty-five minutes later, he felt like the fit teen cheerleader that he was.

He was soaked with sweat and he wondered why he had even bothered to shower earlier, he would just have to do it again. Then he remembered why, and the grin on his face as he pulled the door to the loft open was positively shit eating, at least until he noticed that the room was empty.

The couch had been folded and there was no sign of Jensen anywhere.

“Jen,” he called out, walking in to the room and looking around. “Jen, man, where are you?”

He looked into the bathroom, last night’s sheet was in the laundry basket and Jensen’s towel was on the drying rack. Full of misgivings, he went back out into the room, spotting a folded up paper on the table by the window. He walked over to it in three long strides, snatching it up and unfolding it.

There were only two words on the paper in Jensen’s neat handwriting. I’m sorry. The paper fluttered to the floor as Jared took off out the door. His first stop was the kitchen, but his mom hadn’t seen Jensen leave.

“Did you call him?” she yelled in a worried tone after his retreating back, and with a curse, Jared ran back up the stairs to get his cell.

There were no missed calls, and he punched the speed dial for Jensen as he ran down the street towards Jensen’s parents’ house. His call went directly to voicemail and he cursed under his breath. He left a brief message telling the idiot to call him at the same time as he knocked on Jensen’s door.

Jensen’s dad opened and his face darkened as he saw Jared, a frown turning his lips down.

“What do you want?” he asked.

“Is Jensen here?” Jared counter asked, letting the disdain in Jensen’s father’s tone slide off him.

“No, I thought he was with you.”

“Yeah, he was…” Jared said, managing a smile. “I just seem to have misplaced him this morning, that’s all.”

Mr. Ackles’s nose crinkled, but a look of worry crept onto his face. “Did anything happen?”

“I… No… It’s probably nothing… I bet he went to the bakery,” Jared said, trying to keep his own worry from showing on his face.

Mr. Ackles’s mouth moved for a few seconds then he nodded slightly. “Would you tell him to call when you find him? So I know he’s okay?”

“Yeah, I will,” Jared said, managing a smile that was more real than the last one. Sometimes he forgot that Mr. Ackles was still Jensen’s father and that he really did care for his son.

“And if you don’t find him…”

“I will call,” Jared promised. “I’m sorry to be worrying you, I just thought that maybe he’d have come here figuring this would be the last…”

“The last place you’d look for him.” Mr. Ackles shook his head slowly. “I miss my son,” he said.

“Then you should learn to accept him,” Jared replied, wondering if he had fallen into another reality or something.

Mr. Ackles nodded. “You go on now. Go find my boy.”

Jared turned on his heel, taking off down the street without really knowing where he was going. The conversation with Mr. Ackles had thrown him. He knew that the whole situation with his family was grating on Jensen, and today he’d seen something in Mr. Ackles’s eyes that he’d never seen there before. Maybe this would turn into something good after all, even a partial reconciliation with his father would mean the world to Jensen.

Getting increasingly worried, Jared ran around the neighborhood, looking for Jensen in all their old childhood haunts until he was fresh out of ideas, standing panting in the middle of the sidewalk, his heart bleeding for his friend and soon to be lover.

“Where are you, idiot?” he asked out loud.

He closed his eyes, trying to think past the erratic beat of his heart and the rush of blood in his ears. He’d been everywhere - hadn’t he? - every place that had a memory of them attached to it? His t-shirt was so soaked through with sweat that it was practically dripping from the hem and the beginnings of a headache were forming behind his brow.

Then suddenly he remembered a night, maybe two, three years back, just after things had become really bad with Jensen’s parents. They’d been up on Daisy Hill, lying in the grass and looking at the stars. Jensen had been plucking the petals off a daisy, murmuring loves me, loves me not under his breath. His counting had ended on loves me not and when Jared had turned to him, there had been this look of pain in his eyes.

It had been a difficult time for the both of them. Jensen had been so full of pain that Jared hadn’t known what to do, and at the time he’d directed all his bad feelings towards Jensen’s parents, hating them for not loving their son enough, when really he had been the one to blame.

He’d wanted to say something then about whoever it was Jensen was talking about being an idiot for not loving him back, but he’d never gotten the words out, because when he’d looked at Jensen there had been this thing between them. For a moment he’d thought Jensen would kiss him, and he’d wanted him to, but then Jensen had looked away and the moment had been over.

“You should have kissed me, you moron,” Jared said as he took off in a run again. “You should have kissed me then and we wouldn’t be here right now.”

Jared's lungs were burning when he finally came up to the hill, every breath felt like he was inhaling fire and his legs were shaking with the strain. The relief he felt when he saw Jensen’s familiar form on the crest of the hill almost had him collapsing, but if he’d made it this far, he was going to make it all the way there.

Jensen was sitting cross-legged in the grass, his jeans and the ground around him strewn with petals and stems.

“I keep doing it,” Jensen said when Jared collapsed in a panting heap next to him. “And every time I try, I end up on loves me not…” He drew a shaking breath. “Even when I count the petals before hand… there is always one hiding and…” Jensen’s hands were trembling, holding a lone daisy with one petal left.

Jared looked up at his pale face from his resting place on the ground, seeing the tear tracks on Jensen’s cheeks and his red-rimmed eyes.

“Don’t ever do this to me again, you idiot,” Jared panted, trying to get his wildly beating heart to slow down. “Ever.”

Jensen pulled the last petal off the daisy, letting it flutter to the ground. “Loves me not,” he whispered, his tone defeated.

Jared pushed himself into to sitting position, gathering the multitude of stems from the ground and Jensen’s lap, putting them together into a bouquet of green stems with lonely yellow heads.

“You forgot to count the stems,” Jared said softly, putting the bouquet into Jensen’s hand. “There’s a whole lot of them and each and every one says I love you, because I do, you fool.”

Jensen swallowed, looking down on the stems in his hand before finally turning to Jared. “But just like a friend, right?” he whispered.

With an annoyed growl, Jared launched himself on Jensen, pushing him to the ground and keeping him there with his lanky, sweaty form. “Stubborn bastard,” he said, looking down into Jensen’s bloodshot green eyes.

“You stink,” Jensen said, trying for a smile, but it was trembling at the edges.

“Yeah, because I’ve been running around looking for you like a crazy person.” He brought his hands up to cup Jensen’s face. “I was worried about you. I thought you’d do something stupid.”

Jensen swallowed. “I wouldn’t. Even if you don’t want… I wouldn’t.”

“Jensen,” Jared began tiredly, but then he thought better of it. He was never going to win Jensen over with his words, so he kissed him instead.

Jensen’s mouth opened in surprise and Jared took advantage of it, sliding his tongue in behind Jensen’s teeth, finding his tongue and engaging it in the fun. The kiss didn’t last very long since Jared had been short of breath to begin with, but it set every inch of his body on fire.

“Jesus,” he whispered, when he pulled out of the kiss, resting their foreheads together. “Jesus, Jensen…”

Jensen pulled him down for another kiss, taking control and exploring Jared's mouth with his agile tongue. Jared groaned into the kiss, struggling to breathe through his nose until the oxygen deprivation made him dizzy. At which point he yanked his head up to draw a deep trembling breath before diving right in again, kissing Jensen until everything else just faded away. Nothing existed but the two of them, the slick slide of their tongues, Jensen’s stubble against his face, Jensen’s lips on his.

“God,” Jared groaned when he finally had to break free to catch his breath, pulling Jensen with him as he collapsed on his back, panting heavily. “Do you believe me now?”

Jensen chuckled, shifting so that he was lying on top of Jared, knees on either side of Jared's thighs. Jared smiled up at him, lifting his hands to cup Jensen’s grinning face.

“I’m not sure,” Jensen said, still smiling. “What was it you did again?”

“Love you,” Jared answered softly.


“Love you.”


The last command was barely a whisper, ghosted over Jared's lips as Jensen bent forward.

“Love you,” Jared murmured yet again.

Jensen kissed him softly and Jared smiled against his lips. When Jensen lifted his head, Jared let himself fall back against the ground and closed his eyes. The sun was shining down on them from above and the grass was soft underneath his head. Jensen felt just right, lying curled against his side and there wasn’t a place in the world where Jared would rather be.


cheerleader!verse, j2

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