Title: Safe In Your Arms
jeyhawk Series: No!
Rating: G
Characters: Michael, Lincoln, T Bag.
Genre: Angst, Post Escape.
Summary: Michael doesn’t sleep.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Michael Scofield, T Bag or Lincoln Burrows, nor am I any way associated with the series Prison Break, or Fox. This is a fictional story using someone else’s characters. Not true.
Feedback: Pretty please.
jeyhawk_ficBeta: Me, so be warned.
Dedication: For all the people that wanted Michael and Lincoln sleeping together.
Inspired by: An interesting discussion on
clex_monkie89‘s journal about the brothers sleeping together.
Prompt: 10. Broken, of the Switch25Challenge
Warnings: Brothers sleeping together (in the innocent way).
Notes: Written mostly because sleeping bothers are cute and T Bag has to have a line. :0)
Safe In Your Arms
Seven days they spend holed up together in a supposedly safe house but none of them feel very safe. They eye each other verily waiting for the first crack to show, waiting for the first breech of peace. Seven days in a non descript room far more cramped, smelly and painted with fear than any prison cell have ever been, but they don’t complain; it’s all part of The Plan and The Plan has taken them this far. They watch the telly religiously looking for news of themselves, but so far there has been none; somehow they’ve managed to keep the lid on the fact that six dangerous convicts have escaped from the Level One facility deemed safest in the country. They think that maybe the cover up will work in their advantage and they all look to Michael for advice, but he has none to give.
At night they all sleep in the same room some in the bed and some on the floor. Anyone of them, even T Bag, would gladly have given the bed up for Michael, but he doesn’t sleep. He sits every night in the same chair watching over the rest of them as he waits for the cops to find them and his Plan to fall apart. Somewhere deep inside he never thought they’d get this far and now he’s just waiting for destiny to catch up. With every passing day Michael gets paler, the dark circles around his eyes almost black in their intensity. On the fifth day they’ve all had enough and they implore Lincoln to do something about his brother. Lincoln who wants to save Michael more than anyone else, can’t think of a single thing to do.
Strangely enough it’s T Bag that comes up with the winning concept by pointing out that above all else Michael is Lincoln’s baby brother and there must be some sort of comfort from their past that can get to him. The words are accompanied by a leer that tells Lincoln everything he wants to know about how T Bag’s mind works, but he still wants to kiss him, because suddenly he remembers. He remembers a Michael much younger than he is now, showing the same irrational behaviour, staying up every night and keeping guard against what he only knew, until Lincoln bodily carried him off to bed and forced him to stay there.
Michael doesn’t even react when Lincoln approaches him and he doesn’t respond to anything his brother says. He just keeps staring at his hands, listening for imagined footsteps. He does however react, panic, when Lincoln simply bends down and picks him up, hoisting his slight frame into his strong arms. He’s fighting Lincoln’s determined grip with every ounce of his strength, landing a few pretty good punches, before Lincoln simply deposits him on the bed and lies down beside him. What freaks the others out is not the fighting, Michael’s panic or Lincoln’s unflinchable determination; it’s the fact that whole exchange is made in utter most silence.
They all pretend not to watch when Michael stops fighting and wraps arms and legs around his brother, clinging to him like a leech and they pretend not to notice the gentle way Lincoln embraces him, caressing Michael’s taut body with soothing movements. But as all movements stop and the brothers fall asleep wrapped around each other like a loving couple, they exchange small smiles and knowing looks. Safe in the knowledge that however broken Michael might be inside, Lincoln will always be able to patch him up. The Plan will continue.
In the darkness as they all prepare to sleep, the last words that are heard is T Bag’s smug ‘I told ya so.’
The End