May 16, 2007 14:02
Its been so long since I've posted.
I just thought I would give whomever an update. Things are going alright in the world of jenny mock. Zakyia is getting fat. Yeah is almost 17lbs. What a chunk. HE rolls all around now and is almost sitting up by himself. Won't be long now! Mikey went to rehab and has gotten out. He will have been sober 3 months June 12th. Thats the longest he has ever been sober! Yeah!! He got a good job at carsons in Napoleon. He works 12 hrs a day. Like 4 days one week and 3 the next. It so great for him. I am currently working 2 jobs. I still work at chowders until May 25th then i start at the Brewhouse on Airport highway. I aslo work at Sylvania Vet clinic. (Thats where Leigha works too) I work in Doggie daycare. Its actually really fu n. We have alot of puppies in now. My sister is about to graduate. Its crazy to think we have been graduated for four years now! gEEZE. Well I got to go. Thats just a quick summary of things. Love ya bye