
Oct 13, 2007 13:51

i've accumulated about 12 dvds already from hollywood video's going out of business sales. it's a beautiful thing. it also sucks because i used to go there every weekend to rent movies. i guess i have to go somewhere else now ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

woodson27 October 15 2007, 02:57:17 UTC
gooooooooooooo studyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy



jexxi October 15 2007, 12:56:41 UTC

i did a little bit on saturday....haha

sunday i had too much hw to study but it was on a lot of stuff that's going to be on the test so that's a good thing. i'm just going to study my ASS off tuesday night and wednesday morning before the test. it usually works out well. so i hope it does haha.


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