(no subject)

Oct 13, 2004 11:12

Okay, I'm hyped up and need to lay off some steam...but there isn't much to do...So here's me posting again! I've been reading in my anti-handbook for philosophy (by Michel Ontfray) and found some great quotes, it's not just that I think there cool, but they're true.

-L'enfer c'est les autres, Jean Paul Sartre

-Ik ben dood wat een onherstelbaar verlies (Forgot who it was from)

-[...]de filosoof die zei: "Deus est anima brutorum" heeft gelijk, maar daar moeten we het niet bij laten' (Voltaire)

-Wantrouw degenen die orde en rust willen instellen. Orde brengen betekent altijd anderen onderwerpen en hen in hun bewegingen belemmeren. (Denis Diderot)

Philosophy is a great thing, thinking about thinking, you can go mad by thinking about that, but it'll also make you realise certain things. They don't even have to be important things, sometimes it's just the little things that matter.

Another thing: In class the video showed something about the bible, and the text was something like: "In the beginning God made the heaven and the earth etc."  If that is supposed to be true, where the hell was he when he made the heaven then?? You can't be inside nothingness, because that means you're nothing. If that is so, that means God equals nothing. And if THAT is so, that would mean that the christian religion is a farce and doesn't exist. (Think about it, worshipping a god that doesn't exist is impossible) But then again...try telling that to the pope (If he can hear you)

One positive thing is, that if there is no Catholocism (or any other religion for that matter) there is no hell, because without a god, there is no need for his counterpart. (or partner in crime) It's funny because that means Sartre was right when saying that hell is everybody else :D

Am I confusing you already? GOOD, be prepared for more confusion in the next couple of days

Enough for now
EDIT Hehe, forgot one very cool quote by Alexander Pope (Or Pope Alexander for everyone who saw the film) How happy is the blameless Vestal's lot! The world forgetting, by the world forgot Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind! Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd.
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