If you participated, thanks for participating!! If you dropped and told me, sorry it didn't work out. If you dropped and didn't tell me (or just disappeared), THANKS FOR BEING A JACKASS. But I'm over that now. Beneath the cut you'll find a table with the recipient, author, and fic. If I messed up. Do tell me. If you got a fic you didn't want and you feel disgruntled and angry and pissed, send me an email or something. I'll see what I can do.
Sorry that this took so long! Sorry that there were so many bumps and mishaps and earthquakes along this wild ride! I won't be doing the next JE Exchange. Not enough time, not enough energy. Too much work and not enough people doing what they're supposed to do. BUT TO KEEP THIS FROM BEING A TOTAL DOWNER. Look! We mad it through this! Thanks for sticking with me through...everything. :)
Comments and criticism appreciated. I'm ready for you all to give me lots of adoring love or lots of angry curse words. I'll take it all!!
crystallekiltokyostory 5,478 miles dragon_sodakimiwapet2150 How Jun Really Crashed His Car... dragon_sodacrystallekil ダンスして [Dance With Me] forewordsoucieux Definition girltypegoblinbrodie Three Ways to Tell goblinbrodiegirltype Superiority Complex karuchan_desunovemberchic Not Enough kimiwapet2150twirlingleaves I dance to the rhythm of your heartbeat kyoko_godaikunlatteswith Gargoyle madguitaristzvani13 Troublesome Obsession nfu-nfukyoko-godaikun Random Acts of Kindness novemberchicrah-rah-ramen Follow the Yellow Brick Road latteswithrainymemories Truth and Lies paddyabroadsugarlessgirl Be Still rah-rah-ramenmadguitaristz Haunting Past, Loving Present rainymemorieskaruchan-desu For the Love of a Shirt rainymemoriesrenruki Educational TV renrukisaturn-necklace An unexpected collision saturn-necklaceviivu Just my luck shinigami-00tokyostory Assassins! snoozing-kittenkaruchan-desu Imagine soucieuxshinigami-00 not a day passes by sugarlessgirlsnoozing_kitten Sex sells more then rock, so lets fuck and forget the background hum tokyostorynfu-nfu To him that you tell your secret you resign your liberty twirlingleavesdragon_soda Let me go vani13paddyabroad Gay for Pay viivuforeword A Friend Like You