Thieved from Emily

Aug 01, 2005 10:04

TEN Random Things About Me
10 :: I have an extra bone in each of my feet.
09 :: I think i have a furry tongue, but no one else notices.
08 :: I'm a complete Hippie.
07 :: I've never had a conduct card, detention, or any kind of school repromand.
06 :: I hate myself for it.
05 :: I was born in California and survived two earthquakes.
04 :: I think margerine tastes better than butter.
03 :: I love all my parents, but my father is the only one I genuinely like.
02 :: I'm 6 foot 2 inches, but everyone thinks I'm shorter.
01 :: I can glare with my eyes wide open. It's harder than it sounds.

NINE Places I've Visited (but haven't lived)
09 :: Ireland
08 :: Florida
07 :: Louisianna
06 :: Washington DC
05 :: Northern California
04 :: Death Valley
03 :: New York City
02 :: Chicago
01 :: Maryland (where I am now)

EIGHT Things I Want To Do Before I Die
08 :: Go to every continent at least once (Skipping Antartica, probably)
07 :: Invent a pill that changes the way semen tastes (Pineapple, anyone?)
06 :: Get a patent for said pill.
05 :: Learn Kendo.
04 :: Meditate in a sensory deprivation chamber
03 :: Move to Canada.
02 :: Write a book.
01 :: Contribute something to humanity. Scientific, preferably.

SEVEN Ways To Win My Heart
07 :: Have a great sense of humor. Laughter is the best aphrodesiac.
06 :: Kiss me for no apparent reason, even if I'm in the middle of doing or saying something.
05 :: Find me attractive, and tell me so.
04 :: Be artisic.
03 :: In bed.
02 :: Be into public displays of affection.
01 :: Gotta be smart.

SIX Things I Believe In
06 :: Logic.
05 :: American stupidity.
04 :: Communism (NOT socialism).
03 :: Generosity.
02 :: Love.
01 :: Shades of gray. No issue is as simple as good and evil.

FIVE Things I'm Afraid Of
05 :: Atomic weapons. Worst fuckin' idea EVER.
04 :: Death. Or maybe an unlived life.
03 :: Being stupid.
02 :: Religion. Particularly Christianity and Islam, but really all of them.
01 :: Developing an irreversable degenerative disease that will inevitably kill me (BSE, anyone?)

FOUR Of My Favorite Items In My Bedroom
04 :: My gaming setup.
03 :: My posters.
02 :: My bathroom.
01 :: Me.

THREE Things I Do Everyday
03 :: Question authority. Question my own wisdom. Question everything.
02 :: Recieve few answers to said questions.
01 :: Clash with my mother (authority figure? ooh, how telling).

TWO Things I Am Trying Not To Do Right Now
02 :: Sound pretentious.
01 :: Let the world get to me.

ONE Person I Want To See Right Now
01 :: Michelle
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