(no subject)

Oct 31, 2005 23:54

The sun is shining on you face, and then your head is splattered across the wall behind you. Life's a bitch like that. The irony is that the sun keeps on shining anyway. The sun doesn't give a fuck, not because it's a bastard, but because it can't. Life's the same way. Don't go blaming it for your misplaced cranium, blame the guy who shot you.

Of course, by the time this all occurs to you you're quite dead, so there's really no point in thinking it. Again with the irony. You learn to hate it as you grow up. Heh, such a ludicrous thought, growing up. We're born, we die, our kids get thrown into the mix until they die and their kids take over. Thinking it's anything less than a vicious cycle is lying to yourself. The only reason we never notice is that it takes so long to happen, and most of us are so preoccupied with our own little lives, our own little contributions to the cycle that we never see the whole. If you could stand back, if the doors of perception were opened, imagine what you could see. The irony this time is that the view would be so horribly depressing that you'd wish you'd never seen it. The beauty is in the blindness.

Beauty, perfection, they're instantaneous, gone before we can even compose the poems to honor them, before we can ever really feel what they're like. If you ever find yourself in a perfect moment, know that it will soon be gone, and cherish it all the more. Perspective brings appreciation as often as disillusionment. This is what nihilism fails to appreciate. Sure, everything is worthless eventually, but that knowledge should bring appreciation for the irony that things can be so wonderful for that fleeting, evanescent moment.
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