(no subject)

Jul 26, 2009 19:06

JOURNAL: dianoetic
IM: fallofrain143
E-MAIL: fallofrain143@aol.com

CHARACTER NAME: Human Name: Katherine “Kitty” Pryde; Mutant Name: Shadowcat (once went by the aliases Sprite and Ariel)
FANDOM: Marvel 616 (X-Men)
CHRONOLOGY: Some time after joining the British super team “Excalibur” (Excalibur #100ish).

Kitty Pryde was never really normal. At age thirteen, she had already been taking college level classes because of her superior intellect. Around this time, she started developing terrible headaches because of her emerging powers, although she was none the wiser. She was found by Emma Frost and was convinced to join Emma’s Massachusetts Academy. It was there on a visit when she first phased through the floor after her worst headache yet. Professor Xavier found her there (after Kitty helped them attack the Hellfire Club) and invited her to come to his institute. There, Kitty bonded with fellow mutant Illyana Rasputin and had an on again off again romance with Illyana’s older brother, the mutant Colossus. She also became very close to Storm, Nightcrawler, and Wolverine and became the X-men’s little sister figure.

She was a great help to the team, as her phasing powers became something not just for self defense. With training, Kitty learned that if she phased through things that ran on electricity, she could short them out. Also, when she learned to phase other people along with her, she could, in theory, phase them through solid objects and them unphase them back to a solid state, killing them. Kitty also was a wiz with computers and helped create many training programs for the X-team. When she bonded with Illyana, she also gained the power to wield the Soulsword, the embodiment of Illyana's magical nature. When involved with the yakuza because of her father, Kitty was taught martial arts by Wolverine which greatly increased her power. Some of her other abilities include being able to speak a ridiculous number of languages and being able to pilot hovercrafts before she was even old enough to get her drivers license.

Although she has the brains and the skill to be a great hero, Kitty suffered a lot of losses that were too much for her to handle. The death of her good friends Doug Ramsey and Illyana, for instance, and the terrible break up with Colossus were blows to her ego that she could not ignore. When it became too much for her to handle, she left for Britain to create the super team “Excalibur” with team member Nightcrawler.

Kitty is a typical girl (sans the whole genius mutant thing). When she is mad, she throws a fit. When she’s sad, she cries to her girl friends. Getting dressed for a date may take hours but it only takes moments for her to fumble up said date out of nervousness. Kitty is fun loving and enjoys teasing the men in her life, especially the ones she’s romantically interested in. She wears her heart on her sleeve for all to see, never ashamed to let people know what she thinks. Kitty is a bit of a drama queen and enjoys making a scene. Kitty is the type of person to burst out with something random in order to ease the tension in a room, no matter how silly it makes her look.

She often worries about how other people view her, especially her teammates. As one of the younger X-Men, Kitty puts extreme pressure on herself to prove that she is worthy. Her sheer stubbornness made her a capable member of the team, even at the age of thirteen. It goes without saying that Kitty tends to be a little spoiled because the older X-Men view her as a little sister. She also tends to rush into “grown up” relationships especially with men named Peter in a sad attempt to seem like a big girl. That, of course, always ends in tragedy. Usually with boyfriends dying or running off with alien girls. Needless to say, she doesn’t have the best dating track record.

She has grown a substantial amount from her younger days-although she isn’t as quite as fearless as Wolverine or some of the other X-Men, Kitty can at least hide her apprehensions under a brave façade. Kitty has grown into her own and while she enjoys being a part of a team, also enjoys her individuality.

Kitty can be headstrong and cocky but very compassionate and slightly naïve. She is probably the X-Men who followed Xavier’s dream most blindly-her dream, too, is to live in a world where mutants and humans can coexist. Time has hardened her and she has taken different roads to get to this dream but they always lead back home to her family, the X-Men.

Emotionally, Kitty has a lot of character flaws. As a “not a girl, not yet a woman”, Kitty’s emotions often get the best of her. She can be bratty, selfish, stubborn, and self indulgent at times. When it comes to love, Kitty’s head is up in the clouds and her better judgment flies out of the window. Her yearning for acceptance and the need to prove herself lands her in ridiculous and often dangerous situations.

Oh yeah, and she’s ridiculously addicted to computer games like Neopets and Maple Story.

ALTER EGO: Katherine “Kitty” Pryde
POWER: > “Phasing” through solid objects


I really have to stop associating with guys named Peter! Jubilee says it’s some sort of obsession compulsive attention needy thing and I need therapy but really, who is SHE to talk?? But anyway, the reason I need to stop associating with one Peter in particular. How did he get my cell phone number anyway?? I’m tired of getting messages like “culd u tel wolvrne 2 giv me bak my avengrs beacon thng? they chrg a lot 2 replace thos thngs.”

Being the mature person I am, I complied with the request and soon texted back exactly what Wolverine said.

spidey4u: i culd file sexual hrrsmnt chrges 4 tat
spidey4u: prty sure we r prt of a union..

Seriously, guys. I’m UNLISTED! For a REASON. And Pete, you’re not a 12 year old junior high school girl. STOP TYPING LIKE THAT!

I swear, if I get any A/S/L texts…

… we’re NOT part of a union, are we?? Because if so, I’ve been SERIOUSLY shafted in the workers comp area if this is the case.


When Kitty dreamed, there were consequences. The monsters in her nightmares did not come to life and eat her friends, true, but she tended to do her most embarrassing phasing when asleep. Even after learning careful control of her powers, the act of sleeping, being at her most vulnerable, she sometimes “slipped” through her bed and into the room below hers.

Tonight’s dream was phase-worthy. It was the same dream she had from time to time, the one where she saw Peter and Pete and her father. They all looked at her they way they did once upon a time-gently, lovingly-and it pleased her. They were always a distance away from herself and she ran to catch up with them. She was always running. The space between seemed like a galaxy-light years, eons, a lifetime-and when she finally caught up to them and their outstretched arms, she could hear their whispers-

-- but why did you let us die?

Tonight she woke up in the kitchen two floors down from her room, in the sink, and face to face with Wolverine who was having a midnight beer, claws out and ready to slice whoever was causing the disturbance.

“Sorry about that,” Kitty said sheepishly, her hand over her palpitating heart. A butter knife was sticking her in the hip but it wasn’t nearly as uncomfortable as the wet plate she was sitting on. “Nightmare phasing.”

“Better than icing in your sleep,” Wolverine groused in his Wolverine way. “When Bobby lived here, we made him sleep on the roof.”

So much love, Kitty thought dryly as she sat with him in the kitchen, but felt better than she had all night.

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