awesome weekend

May 24, 2004 14:41

well going into this weekend i thought it was going to be pretty sucky...i was going to miss grad partys and do the same old thing ive been doing this past month..well friday was the same old thing...sat around..went swimming a bit..then went to work went to travis's and hung out for a bit drank a beer then went home...saterday is where the fun was...went to graduation saw alot of my best friends graduate ryan, aaron, jason, steven, caleb, ryan, thomas, esther emily, jacques, charlie and the list goes on...then it was time to go home..i changed for work and then it was off to kens to eat beforte work...not very many perople had shown up when i got there..i ate and chilled for a bit then it was of to was ok but it was tight becuase me and brian talked people into letting us be the first 2 out so i got off at like 830 and then brian got off at 845 so we were at kens party and i drank some even though i wasnt soposed too b/c i was leaving and that was kens moms rule that no one that was leaving could drink but i said screw that..then my mom called and was like u better get home b/c i no ur not at work.....i pulled some bull shit and then talked them into letting me go back the the party sence my best friends just graduated..befor i left my house i parachuted so the night was fun...i found someone to go to alexisonfire with me so that was tight there was some drama that went down but that got resolved then in the morning was work...ate after i got off took jesus home then went to thomass party thing with my family then i came home and got 14 hours of sleep and now im all refreshed and good but its time
for me to leave so till next time bli bli bli thats al folks

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