May 03, 2005 19:04
Junior year is raping me dry
For the first time ever, I have to actually do work to keep from getting C's
Conferences were today, and they were all really bad, but surprisingly, my parents aren't too pissed off
My step brother and his wife came to town to visit and brought my two nieces: Isabel (1 year and some change) and Laela (just some change 3-4 months).
Right now, all of these obscure "family members" are here with like 5 little girls running around the house. It's cute, but mindnumbingly annoying. I can't decide if I want to punch the babies in their faces or hug them cuz 'dey so cute. <3 <3 <3
I've been very behind lately, and I'm sorry to everyone i've pissed off in the last 2 weeks.