I love amiee best

Mar 05, 2004 15:37

PS...i forgot to asdd this in my last entry so here it is.......Amiee is letting my borrow her prom dress from last year its sooo fucking sweet...its pink tooo...it looked real cute in the picture...and she said i could wear her shoes size 5...perfect and her matching purse...and shes gonna do my hair...finally....every1 else is gay caz its soo long its hard to put up but aimee said she can do soemthing sweet with it....and im soo super excited...i cant wait for prom now....somehting to actully look forward to...all i need is a date...ne offers? jen comes home for spring break today..........weird....wow i feel soooo amazing rite now all thanx to SM....im doing 10000000 things @ 1 time and its sweet...i cant wait to go running tonite....its soo relaxing...andf its sooo nice out....i can fianlly think about things......and i get to see my carebear tomoorw.

Yankee doodle...god why am i singing this..lol
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