I've been hallucinating things -- its kind of like dreaming out of the corner of my eye. I'm not sure whether to be worried, or to thank the heavens that reality has lost another talon of control over me. Also, I haven't been writing much lately, so maybe my imagination is seeking revenge. I don't know. But things didn't really slow down after finals -- though, yes, I thought angels were kissing my temples when finals week finally ended. I got an A in my Humanities class, and an A in philosophy -- I'm still waiting for the other three. I feel like a nervous, distracted ball of ribbon. I babysat today which was good, and I think I pretty much got all my Xmas shopping down by now -- but I'm worried about colleges, and I have next semester to get through and to make sure I take all the classes I need to, and I have to study for a math thingy -- hmmm.
Also, my bike got stolen. So, if you see anyone riding around on a green and cream Raleigh retroglide cruiser, chances are that it's mine. And you could ask them kindly to give it back to me -- or, you know . . . . you could tackle them. But I suppose that's not very Christmas-ie . . . . ::sigh::
All in all, though, things are going well, and I would like to take this moment to wish you all a wondrous holiday time, and may you be warm and with the people you love.