Jun 14, 2005 20:06
Little Miss Sunshine
There she is,
A ray of sunshine,
Always smiling,
Always sublime
At first glance
All you would see
Optimistic hope
Idealistic belief
Agony and Anguish,
She knows not of these,
At least that’s what she wants
Others to see.
How others treat her,
It matters not,
She will be there,
Grinning and whatnot.
Correct her, reject her
She takes the blame,
Love her, leave her
To her its the same.
The sting you inflict,
You will never know
No matter how deep
Or far down it goes.
As a little dog
Loyal and true,
If you beat her
she will cling to you.
She is right,
The blame is hers,
For she has no guts
No bite no grrr.
A good life, and balance
To make these her own
She must lose the act
And get a backbone
She knows this…
Yet there she still is,
A ray of sunshine,
Always smiling,
Always sublime.