Jun 13, 2006 22:48
I'm done....I don't have to care anymore....I have zero responsibility until Thursday evening...and even then, all I have to do is show up. I know I'm going to have to work eventually, but right now...I have no worries.
So today I figured out how to do ok on the English final....Just, don't care about it? Seriously...I didn't care, barely studied, and got an 80...Where as...some "other" person was really worried, studied, and...didn't get an 80...so yeah... The key must be relaxation. If none of that's logical its ok, because I don't have to be "think" again for a few months.
It was so weird today, how fast everything went...I even came first period unlike usual. The longest part of my day was sitting through an assembly, while I was hungry for lunch...But all of the sudden, I was sitting in the science room...with my yearbook in my hand and I realized....its really over! There are people here that I may never see again...it was terrifying actually, but kind of a deep, sublime kind of terror,...I really don't want to lose touch with anyone... But I'll worry about that later, right now, I just want to enjoy freedom, and my zero responsibility...however temporary it may be...
Four more years and ....It will really be overwith and donefore....Yes