(no subject)

Sep 29, 2005 21:39

LJ Interests meme results

  1. beer:
    something i used to drink a lot more of and as a matter of fact can't really stand the way it tastes anymore
  2. california body:
    the place i tan...should go more often
  3. detroit:
    ha...the place everyone from michigan says they're from when truely you are not
  4. frankenmuth:
    the place me and james went to for our first little vacation
  5. hollister:
    one of my favorite stores i spent way too much money at yesterday
  6. lexus:
    one of the kinds of cars i hope to some day own
  7. my crush:
    actually my boyfreind...James
  8. real world:
    still one of the best shows ever but i haven't been watching much
  9. summer:
    ahhh...the best season that is sadly coming to an end
  10. western:
    the place i once wanted to go to college

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