Aug 13, 2005 17:28
So yes it has taken me a week to update about my weekend but that's ok. last weekend was the most fun i have had in quite some time. on friday we went to see dukes of hazzard with my sister and her boyfriend. i know a lot of people didn't like it but i personally loved it and no not just b/c jessica was in it. sean william scott was too helllo! j/k no i just thoguht it was really funny.
as for saturday james' best freind is getting married next month so last weekend was the bachelor/bachelorette party. so we all went to canada. and to my pleasent suprise all the girls were so much fun and we club hopped and had a good time. ended up dancing on bars and it was "club limo bus" on the way there and back. i haven't actually gone out and partied like that in a long time it was so much fun. i am so glad i went.
last week some time we went to see 3 doors down and that was really good. the only thing that sucked was how freakin hot it was. but none the less it was a great time.
and then on tuesday we went out to richmond again to hang out with james best freind and i went out to dinner with his fiance and cousin. we went out to eat and grocery shopping for the anniversary party they're having this weekend. at first i didn't like her much but now that we've been hanging out more i really like her. it's refresing to know a girl that isn't so superficial. she's just real and not fake like so many people. if she doesn't like you she doesn't like you she doesn't pretend to like so many people. and she doesn't put her shit out there for the whole world to know. she just is real and cool.
then yesterday we painted the kitchen at james house. i picked a green color and i hated it a first but now i really like it. it's very different and fresh. it was under the modern elegance part of the paint sample thing. just the look i was going for. lol
so anyway that's enough typing for me with these damn fake nails. gonna go eat and get ready