Nov 17, 2005 17:53
I quit my job today and I feel... fantastic.
The manager sounded surprised and grieved, but really, it would be irrational for me to continue working there. I thought a lot about what had happened and I even wrote a whole speech to explain myself but in the past couple of days, I just cared less and less. What I ended up saying was short and simple, nothing else was needed.
Words written when I actually gave a damn:
I appreciated your willingness to take the time to hear my case and present that to human resources. But I feel that it would be in my best interest to resign from my position. This experience has shown me that the teamwork at the workplace is weak and the lack of communication and consistency among supervisors makes it very difficult to get answers and to have my wants heard. I have been honest, and I expected the same from my supervisors.
I'm not saying this out of anger or resentment. I just wanted you to know why working in such an environment would discourage integrity. I suggest a reevaluation of employee standards to establish better relationships for a more efficient workplace.
Working has taught me so much in such a short time. Of course I was frustrated, because I am still naive and so inexperienced. A large part of me still believed in truth, morals, and meritocracy. I refuse to let that go. Yet it is a whole different ball park at work, full of bureaucratic games and institutional heehaw. fuckin circus of bullshit... that somehow I need to learn to swim through, and still keep my values. It would be exciting if these past few weeks haven't made me so jaded.
I can't wait for this Disneyland weekend.