Jul 09, 2005 22:11
I've been lacking so much sleep ever since classes started. While I was showering a few weeks ago I had some sort of stroke-ish/brain spasm attack. I was feeling completely fine one min. then suddenly I was short of breath and this intense sense of nausea came over me. All the while I started blacking out on top of feeling, in a lack of better words, really really sick. The most scary thing was having my eyes wide open and not being able to see a thing. Everything was still black while I blinked several times to make sure that my eyes were indeed open. I just felt so sick and I was still conscious during it all. All the while I kept urging myself to get out of the tub. I have to get out just in case I become unconscious and hit my head on something when I fall. I waited for I'm guessing a minute or so for my eyes to slowly start registering light again then I got the hell out of there and sat on my bed just breathing. I felt exhausted but I was still shampooed and soaped, so I hurried back to rinse up. That was it, whatever it was. I'm trying to take it easier now.
Classes are kicking my butt but I really want to do well so I'm trying. And the most motivating thing, seriously, is the production possibilities curve that I've learned this summer in econ. All that time that I've spend being under the curve is such rubbish that I need to kick myself for. Now I know and it is good.
Um, other things... my aunt is I think the kindest person ever born ever. Although she gets completely taken advantage of, which is so sad but no one can do anything about that except for herself. Which mades me sorta angry... at just how things work.
I went down to Riverside to load up my stuff and disengage myself from my lease. Daaamn it's hot there. Surprisingly all my stuff actually fit into the minivan we rented. When I say fit, I mean FIT, like playing a game of tetris. I don't know how we did it. HA my mom just asked me if I want to eat drumsticks, after she's been in bed for half an hr.