Feb 19, 2010 20:05
Well, I've been through three weeks of training for my new job. I'm already starting to feel anxious about the transition from the training room to the floor. Yesterday, I spent the afternoon taking calls on my own. It went ok. As my trainer said, you can't burn the place down. So far I have my own desk and don't have to seat share. I am going to collect some office supplies to make it homey this weekend. And I'm going to have my Wells Fargo pony take up residence on my desk.
I saw my new shrink this morning. I like him much better than my last doctor. Much easier to talk to and he listened to what I had to say about my past and how the meds are treating me. I mentioned that I still have bad days where all I want to do is sleep and I question my place in this world and he decided to up the dose of my helper med. I'm also now on a blood pressure medication to lower my high blood pressure and help with my anxiety. I actually came home from work this afternoon early as the new meds made me extremely dizzy. I'm thinking after tonight's dose, that I'm going to have to switch to a half a tablet.
I had more to write, but the drowsy dizziness is starting to take over my body.