oh my godsh
First, me and Courtney figured that we wanted to be drama queens.. and to be a drama queen, you need.... DRESSES
Courtney looks like shes picking her nose.. hehe, and that dress on me was itchy, and i couldnt get it to zip up in the back! haha
Here, we have Courtney showing off her wonderful 'shoes' that she would be wearing to the ball... arent they fabulous??
Awww... the Queen Royalty is beginning to set in. She is in complete Awe of herself. :)
a faboulous picture of Courtneys head.. isnt the hi-lites just completely exquisite? I think that they are in dire need of a b-e-a-utiful dress, that would compliment her hair.. (and i am talking about what?!?!?!) lol
Guys, I fell in complete love with this $179.99 dress.. I mean, i did NOT want to take it off... i was sad. :(
Courtney was having some difficulties with this dress.. she couldnt tie it. lol
courtney looks like the dress is killing her.. but to tell you the truth, outside of it making her boobs look pointy, she looked gorgeous in that dress
I figured I would use the shaw as a headband.. SEXY
The floofy thing was attached to her dress funny.. she looks like a ballerina
any body want some gawdy looking rings?! only $5 each!! any buyers?!
PURPLE LIPSTICK!? what has the world come too... crazy people..
Shes getting ready for someone to KISS HER ASS! any takers?
we gotta pimp the glasses.. we just had to...
Sexy bootums... :) wild passionate sex.
WANNABE GRANNY PANTIES!!! shes gonna have a wedgie!!
Peace out bitches!