1) I was looking at LoL dogs, and realized I had a dream last night about US paper money also including 2-9.5 dollar bills increasing in 50 cent increments.
2) I have three cousins. One is in the Air National Guard, one is an actor in Albany, and the other is extremely intelligent but I don't actually know what he's doing.
3) I've dated 3 law students or lawyers, 1 former law enforcement (now lawyer), and 1 wannabe law enforcement person. And yet, or perhaps because of, I know it's not something I want to do.
4)This will come as no surprise given #2, but I'm a Libra.
5)When I was 10 years old, my dad had no less than 13 fishtanks in our house, not including the fish pond in the cellar. I can't total the amount of water, but it was probably easily over 1000 gallons.
6)MLK day of this year was my 10 year anniversary of arrival in New Mexico from Massachusetts.
7)My favorite moments out in the world involve running into people I know or knew randomly.
8)One of my favorite utterances in high-school was a flippant "I have no clue", mimicking the class president I had a crush on.
9)My first lj design was a simple one with pink, purple, and blue tones.
10)When I was 16 I had a Star Trek: TNG party with black and red decorations and a trivia game. We called one of my friends Dr Bev. I was Troi, (don't lol, k), but I did not have a crush on Riker.
11)I just joined a guild called "Bad Kitties".
12) I exist in a state in which part of me wants to be mainstream and normal and part of me wants to be eccentric and out there to prove my intelligence, or would that be arrogance?
13)I'm currently in my longest term relationship ever. We celebrate two years next weekend.
14)My favorite spices are curry, basil, and garlic.
15)Growing up family and friends called me Julie, my father and grandmother still call me Julie, along with friends from highschool. Then I didn't have a nickname and most people knew me as Jewelia. In the last several years I've preferred the nickname Jewels. My mother, when I was little, sometimes called me "Boots". Oh, and a family friend who lives in VT now, called me "funny-face".
16)I've lived in 3 quadrants of Albuquerque but never had SW address. I've never even pet-sat at a SW address.
17) I see a random list, not written by me, but probably written last summer: credit card, Weymouth, hat, motrin, book, scrabble.
18) My favorite webcomic:
www.questionablecontent.net is about young adults in Northhampton, MA. The main characters include a dude who works in a library, his bi-girlfriend who owns a coffeeshop, his ex-roomate who also works at the coffeeshop, and a couple of sentient ipod like robots. There's also an obsessive compulsive girl and some other extraneous characters.
19)I played the flute in 4th grade.
20)At the same time we had 1000+ gallons of water in our cellar, we also had 2 dogs and 3 cats.
21)I always know how old my grandmother will be because we were both born in zero numbered years. She in 1930, me in 1980. We'd like to say my mother was born in 1955, which would make us directly all 25 years apart, but sadly she was born in January 1956...
22)I don't know what to have for breakfast.
23)I prefer my small no frills and no pool, bring your own towel gym to the froofy gym I used to belong to and never went.
24)I've lost my craving for eating really sweet carbs without fiber or protein to balance them out. I don't however like the flatulence associated with eating so much more protein as a result.
25)This meme was hard because I tried to come up with stuff I'd never talked about on LJ.
oh, and I tag anyone I don't know very well that hasn't done it yet, and even those I know really well, specifically genhawk.