I wanna go again! =D

Sep 19, 2008 00:18

Our teachers are just made of win this year. Well especially the one I have most of my classes with. She's just a year older than I am and it feels like she's not out to get us (even if I'm sure none of the others are..lol) Things have been alright so far, I can't wait to see whats next. On Monday, after our first class, we went to silver city for cinefest and saw Cruising Bar with the whole class. It was...interesting lol couldn't believe our teachers sent us to go watch that as a class. I couldn't stop laughing through out the whole movie. Now tomorrow our teacher is going to give us the details of an assignment for the movie. Something about making character design sheets for the 4 main characters? We'll see. =3

Later that day when one of the guys finally got their OSAP, he decided to take some of us out to dinner. He was paying, so as much as I was reluctant to continue working and resting amongst the chaos, I let them snag me and off we went. We went to Montanas. (I know the spelling is wrong but at this hour...eh) Now last time we went, we were outside. This time we were seated inside and..OMG! We were allowed to draw on the table. They put this huge brown paper over the table cloth and we had crayons. Of course after we ordered I had at the paper. I ended up finishing eating first and simply continued to draw and take over more than half the table. I had not drawn in so long. I mean simply drawn what ever came to mind or just let things flow from my imagination. Of course I took in consideration that we were in a restaurant..XD It felt so wonderful, I was just in pure bliss. I miss being able to just sit down and draw. Hopefully next month will allow me some free time.

Then we went shopping a little as we were waitting to go see...DEATH NOTE at Silver City. The guys got what they wanted and I dragged them both to the movie. Only one of them knew a little bit about the series. lol Oh well, we all enjoyed the movie in our own little way. Ryuuk was the best <3. When we got there, one of my friends from class was there too, it made the whole thing more fun. There were 3 people that I saw cosplaying, very awesome ones at that. Matt, Light and Misa. =3  Jo, I saw your mum and your lil sis at the movie theater XD Your mum was wise to go off to another movie lol

Oh and with the movie, they gave away the first chapter of the manga. More cool <3

Now after all this...I'm gonna be gone from Sunday to Tuesday with the rest of the student council and we're going to a lodge or something with the other student councils from the other campuses. I'm not sure exactly how this will go but we're going to get everything straightened out for the school year and have fun at the same time. Its too bad that its chilly this weekend. Anyway, just wanted to let you all know I'm still alive. lol Love you all! ~ <3

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