I got everything done that needed to be done for today. So that said, here is what I've been up to:
I've been working with the student council all week while trying to get everything ready for school. My schedule looks alright so far. I mean I get two days with no classes. Though with the student counsil I'll just be using that time to do stuff there. I got French 1 taken off but was also supposed to get that computer class taken off too but they're not willing to budge on that. Even if I graduated from the same college with a 3 year program in computers, they can't take off the dumbed down computer class. LAME. So...I'm hoping that i'll be able to take the pretest on the first day of class and not have to worry about it later.
Then I went shopping and hung out with the guys quite a bit this week amongst the madness. It was fun but man...I need to stop doing that since we always eat out. I don't have money for that anymore.
I love the buck store... you could lose me there. lol There was Halloween stuff all over! *squee* I bought a plastic glass that has "blood" in it. Nicely made, I love it. I drink my water in it. =D
I also bought this nifty glass...jar? bucket? Anyway I had also bought some sour gums and they all fit in there. I love it!
Look what I bought! I finally have the DVD to myself. There are still some features I haven't watched yet but I'll get to those. =3
I had no idea they had made merchandice for the Simpsons movie last year. We ended up going to Zellers and I found this.
My art books... some new for college and some from my brother when he went to college and a few I bought on my own not too long ago. Still not at many books as the "How to draw manga" collection I've got but its going good!
Ahhh... school supplies. Much needed! Those damn post-its cost too much!
My current set up for working on stuff from the student council. I've got notebooks and such on my bed too lol
oooh... and Vee got this stuck in my head, its addicting and flashy, I warn you :
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cE13yvrTfjA Well thats it for now I guess.. could of went more in detail but over all my days were from 8 to 4 at college and then out and about or at home doing more work. I did all the laundry yesterday. OH! I forgot to mention, my parents have been gone since monday..so I had to run around the house too XD...*looks out*...crap I forgot to go pick the tomatoes outside today...oh well... hopefully those squirrels and chipmunks won't eat them.
See you later guys X3