I'm simply torn about Virginia Tech. I am so sad that something like this happened. It sucks, we pay thousands of dollars on being at a University. I am sickened by the fact that someone would think that this was his best alternative and that he had to kill so many people. I'm just so sad and dismayed by this story. Why is this happening to my generation? Is it really that something is wrong with my generation? While I'm saying this, I would also like to say that Guns suck. Anyone who thinks that I am taking away your right to shoot someone else when I ask for gun control needs their head checked. Don't they realize that when you do something that hurts someone else, you are taking away their rights and their health? It's like people who are against smoking bans in public places....it's illogical and selfish.
And I think that is what I am most upset about...the selfishness of humanity. I think that is the fault. We are growing up in a world where we are taught that if we want something, we should go out and get it, damn the consequences or who it may hurt in the end.
I want to be positive and I want to believe in the better angels of humanity...but when something like this happens, I find it hard to believe. I also am more pissed off about this than I am about 9/11. At least with 9/11 there was a definitive goal and reasons. With this...it's so pointless.