(no subject)

Mar 29, 2006 13:38

B e s t
1. Female friend: um don't really have one after yesterday... julia maybe??? I'm pretty close to steph too.
2. Male friend: Eric hes my best friend
3. Vacation: anywhere I love traveling, I loved VA and Delaware, i just love the east coast
4. Age: 21
5. Memory: All of last summer, probually my graduation party, and the Labor Day party.

W o r s t
1. Days of the week: Monday
2. Food: Honies from Coney Island GROSS
3. Memory: yesterday night

L a s t
1. Person you saw: Melissa
2. Talked to on the phone: Eric
3. Hugged: Eric

T o d a y
1. What are you doing now: waiting for Eric to get out of class so i can go home
2. Tonight: probually hanging out with eric :)
3. Wearing: jeans, polo, jacket thing
4. What did you eat for lunch: jimmy johns
T o m o r r o w
1. Is: Thursday> prolly my fav day of the week :)
2. Got any plans: Bible Study
3. Goal: Lose weight!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. Dislikes about tomorrow: I have school and eric doesn't

F a v o r i t e s
1. Number: 9
2. Song: anything from OAR
3. Clothing item: my ae jacket
4. Season: Summer
5. State: Michigan

C u r r e n t l y
1. Alone while doing this: no i'm in the library
2. Mood: tired
3. Wanting: to go home and have motivation
4. Should be doing: working out
5. Do you like anyone: yes i do
6. Do they know it: i'm pretty sure i made it clear this morning lol

D o Y o u P r e f e r
1. being hot or cold?: hot
2. sun or moon?: moon
3. Winter or Fall?: Fall
4. left or right?: right
5. having 10 acquaintances or having 1 best friend?: 1 best friend
6. sun or rain?: Sun
7. vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream?: vanilla
8. boys or girls?: Boys
9. vodka or jack?: Vodka

A b o u t Y o u
What time is it?: 1:46pm
Why are you up?: i'm at school
Name?: Julie
Nickname(s)?: jewels

W h a t D o Y o u W a n t
Where do you want to live?: Michigan or any state on the east coast
How many kids do you want?: 1
What kind of job do you want?: advertiser for GM
Do you want to get married?: of course i do
U n i q u e
1. Nervous Habits?: playing with my ear, i know its werid
2. Are you double jointed?: No
3. Can you roll your tongue?: yes
4. Can you raise one eyebrow? maybe
6. Do you make your bed daily?: nope i don't have sheets or comforter yet i just sleep with blankets

C l o t h e s, E t c
1. Which shoe goes on first?: right one
2. Ever thrown one at someone?: oh yes i have
3. Do you carry a wallet?: yup i love that thing
4. What jewelry do you wear?: my class ring and a necklace

F o o d
1. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: Twirl
2. Have you ever eaten Spam?: def wont
3. Favorite ice cream flavor?: mint chocolate chip
4. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet?: idk i don't eat cereal.
5. Favorite beverage?: water or sweet tea
6. What's your favorite restaurant?: anything mexican

G r o o m i n g
1. How often do you brush your teeth?: 2wice a day
2. How do you wear your hair for the most part?: in a bun, i'm way to lazy to get up and do my hair .
3. Have you ever dyed/highlighted your hair?: too much

M a n n e r s
1. Do you swear?: yeah i'm trying to stop though
2. Do you ever spit?: no
3. You cook your own food?: i hate cooking
4. You do your own chores?: yeah

Y e s O r N o
1. Did you get laid today?: maybe......
2. You like pepsi or coke?: no
3. You plan on going to college?: already am
4. You're happy with your life?: yes
5. You spend your money wisely?: no
6. You're always making new friends?: used too
7. You like to swim?: VERY MUCH SO
8. Have you ever got bored so you call a friend?: yes
9. You're patient?: not so much
10. You like this survey?: no

L e t ' s B e H o n e s t
In the last month have you...
1. Had sex: sure
2. Bought something: all the time
3. Gotten sick: no thank the lord
4. Sang: in the car
5. Felt stupid: no not really
6. Missed someone: yup
7. Done drugs: if you consider alchol a drug

8. Danced crazy: yes all the time when i'm being goofy
9. Gotten your hair cut: No i need it though
10. Watched cartoons? no
11. Lied: yeah.....

L a s t P e r s o n T h a t...
1. Saw you cry?: eric
2: Went to the movies with you?: eric
3. You went to dinner with?: eric
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