Mar 25, 2004 14:50, yesterday I got a fucking speeding ticket. Dude clocked me at 92 in a 65, but I swear to god I was only going about ummm, yeah, shit...that's 5 points on my record. But it's only my first one! And hopefully I don't get any more. I always knew that I'd have to get a ticket before I ever slowed down, and now...I'm going to fucking drive around the speed limit. Goddamn. Ticket itself was only for 73.50, but what the fuck? They add all these extra costs onto it and it's like, 184 freaking dollars! Shit...
So...I'm gonna take it to court, and see if I can get my points reduced. I don't want my insurance to go up! Anyone here from PA know anything about how this shit works? Does PA have "Probation Before Judgement"??? Anyone who can help, please do!!! I have a few days before I have to send it, yeah...ummmm, I can't think now. Missy is singin' to me and it's terribly distracting. thoughts are turning ghetto. Yep...and, I'm done now. I'm thirsty...