(no subject)

May 29, 2005 20:00

First Name: Julie
Middle Name: Ann
Birthday: 7-27-1983
Eyes: hazel
Hair: blonde
Height: 5'2"
Shoe Size: 7
Who lives with you: at home-my parents at school-its just me
When is your bedtime: Typically between 11 & 11:30

Flown on a plane: Yes
Ever been so drunk you blacked out: No
Missed school because it was raining: Probably
Told a guy/girl that you liked them?:  yea
Put a body part on fire for amusement: no
Been hurt emotionally: you have no idea
Had an imaginary friend: no
Wanted to hook up with a friend: no
Ever thought an animated character was hot: no.
Been on stage: Yes
Cut your hair: Yes
Had crush on a teacher: no

Shampoo: herbal essence
Fav Color: purple & pink
Day/Night: day
Summer/Winter: Summer
Lace or Satin: lace
Cartoon Character: dopey
Fave Food: I love breadsticks, cookie dough, brownies, fried dough
Fave Advertisement: the hieniken commercial w/ brad pitt
Fave Drink: wild cherry pepsi, cherry coke
Fave Person to talk to online: it was marc
Fave sport: none
Fave Car: I like vw beetles

Wearing: aeropostale pants and a tank top
Eating: nothing
Drinking: pepsi
Thinkin about: marc even though I shouldn't be
Listening to: the tv

Cried: surprisingly no
Worn jeans: Yes 
Met someone New online: No
Done laundry: no
Drove a car: Yes
Talked on the phone: Yes
Kissed someone: no
Said "I love you": Yes, to my mom

Yourself: sometimes
Your friends: some of them
Santa Claus: I miss that stage
Tooth Fairy: I miss that stage
Destiny/Fate: for the most part
Angels: Yes
Ghosts: Yes
UFO's: no
God: yup

Do you ever wish you had another name? all the time, I want to be a rachel, jennifer, or a britney
Do you like anyone? Yes
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? Becky and I are very similar
Who have you known the longest of your friends? Christina
Who's the loudest? Lisa
Who's the shyest: I dont have shy friends, I'm the shy one
Are you close to any family members? yea
Who's the weirdest? probably chele, she's unique
Who do you hang out with the most? meg
When you cried the most: When  marc & I decided to end our relatioship because even though I love him to death he is uncapable of loving me back, it was the worst feeling I have ever felt
What's the best feeling in the world: love
Worst Feeling: not being loved by the lov of your life
What time is it now? 8:30 pm

Finish each sentence:
Let's walk on the: beach
Let's run through: the rain
Let's look at the: people
What a nice: day
Where did all the: money go
When will they: me
How are: you?
Why can't you: love me
Silly, little: thing
Show me: love
the sky is: blue
Tell me: everything, thoughts, secrets, feelings, desires
Hide me: from hurt
Love me: completely
I hate your stupid: ignorance
My mom thinks you're: nice
She's not: that into you
Are you that: stupid

have you:
Kissed your cousin: no
Ran away from home: no
Pictured your crush naked: uh huh
Skipped school: Yes
Broken someone's heart: no
Cried when someone died: Yes
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: unbelievably bad but he just didn't want me
Done something embarrasing: Yes
Done a drug: no
Cried in school: yea

Coke or Pepsi: pepsi
Sprite or 7UP: sprite
Girls or Guys: both for different reasons
Scruff or Clean shaved: clean shaved
Blondes or Brunettes: either
Tall or Short: Tall
Pants or Shorts: pants
Night or Day: day

What do you notice first: smile or eyes
Last person you slow danced with: marc :(
Showered: A few hours ago
Stepped outside: When I went to work
Had Sex: never had the pleasure
Romantic memory: I really wish I had one of those. :-\

Your Good Luck Charm: Myself?
Person You Hate Most: I hate him & love him at the same time
Best Thing That Has Happened: getting a single in pope
On your desk: a bookcase holding everything but books
on your desktop: a picture of an angry puppy
Color: purple & pink
Movie: jerry maguire, fever pitch, meet joe black, fear
Artist: don't know any
Cars: audi tt convertible, vw beetle
Ice Cream: Cookie dough 
Season: summer
Breakfast Food: pancakes, cereal

Makes you laugh the most: chele & meg
Makes you smile: My Friends
Can make you feel better no matter what: laura steele
Has A Crush On You: no one I know of
Do You Have A Crush On Someone: yea
Who Has it easier? Girls or Guys?: Guys

Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night: yea
Save AIM conversations: Yes
Save E-mails: yup
Forward secret E-mails: No
Wish you were someone else: uh huh
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: sometimes
Kiss: Yes
Cuddle: I love cuddling but I lack a partner
Go online for longer than eight hours at a time: probably in the past

Fallen for your best friend?: No
Made out with JUST a friend?: no
Kissed two people in the same day?: no
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: no
Been rejected: HA yes.
Been in love?: yea
Been used?: I feel like I have
Cheated on someone?: no, never
Been cheated on?: No
Done something you regret?: not really

You touched?: can't remember
You talked to on the phone?: my mom
You hugged?: chele
You instant messaged?: lisa
You kissed?: Marc almost 2 weeks ago :(
You yelled at?: probably my mom
You thought about?: Marc even though I should no longer be
Who text messaged you?: my phone is broken
Who broke your heart?: marc
Who told you they loved you?: Mom & dad

Color your hair? Yes
Have tattoos?: not yet
Have piercings?: Yeah, ears
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: not anymore :(
Own a webcam?: no
Own a thong?: no
Ever get off the damn computer? Hardly
Sprechen Sie Deutsch?: No
Habla espanol: yea
Quack?: huh

Stolen anything?: no
Smoke?: no
Schizophrenic?: on occasion
Obsessive?: yes
Compulsive?: sometimes
Obsessive compulsive?: yea
Panic?: sometimes
Anxiety?: Yes
Depressed?: yea
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