The story continues...

Jan 05, 2006 22:07

So the end of the year finished a little nicer then it started. Daniel and I kept dating, and we've been officially together now since September 9th. I can't believe how happy I am with him, how everything seems so simple. How I can actually talk to this guy when something's wrong. We're so comfortable with each other. And now, even after four months, we're still in the "honeymoon" phase.

The holidays have been hard though. It's in these moments that I realize how much I miss Ottawa and my friends there. But I won't quit... I've got a job I love, I've even talked to my boss about changing things and maybe moving up and she agrees. We're suppose to sit down again this month and do something about it. My love life couldn't be better and I know it's only starting. The apartment life, well, it's a little difficult with the roomate moving out at the end of December and me having to pay it all by myself, but I'm dealing and know that by May 1st I'll be moving into something more affordable by myself. I'm closer to my brother and that's really important to me.

Friends though... I've got a couple of really great friends here, but I don't know that it can compare to my friends in Ottawa. I love them to bits and know it would be hard if I moved back to Ottawa. But at the same time, I've known my friends in Ottawa so long... It's hard spending holidays like Halloween and Christmas without them.

I couldn't wait for 2005 to finish. I wanted 2006 to get here already so I could start fresh and forget troubles of 2005. I had figured since Daniel and I spent Christmas with my family in Ottawa, that it would only be fair to spend New Year's Eve in Montreal. I thought I'd be ok, but what I didn't know, is that I would end up spending New Year's Eve in Sherbrooke, at a house party, surrounded by strangers. I got the blues really bad by the 29th, getting closer to the 31st. I actually cried I wanted to be home so bad. It was the first time in 5-6 years that I wasn't spending New Year's Eve with my friends, and I found it really hard.

The one person I missed the most... was Matty. There is so much to say about Matty and I, it'll have to be another chapter...

Anyway, moving on to 2006

I haven't really made any resolutions. I never keep them anyway so why bother. For me, it's more plans and projects then anything else. If they don't get done this year, they're still things I really want to do and I know eventually they'll get done. So, here goes...

1. Move into my own place, that I can afford and still be able to save money
to travel.

2. As soon as cash starts flowing a little more free, I want to get back to
learning the piano. Following that, I want to write my own songs with the
help of my friends and my brother. After that, with my brother's friends
help, I'll be recording a demo. And after that... we'll see. I'm not saying
I want to be the next Celine Dion, but my friends and family enjoy my
singing and it would be really awesome to be able to see my cd on my
friends shelves. Who knows, I think it would be really cool to maybe play
my songs in cafes and such places around here to. Not for fame and money,
but for me.

3. I want to try and get out there and ski more this Winter. Starting with a
weekend trip to a chalet at the end of January, Christmas present from my
baby. :)

4. Guilt free pleasure in Jamaica with my baby. I haven't been on a trip since
I was 18, I think it's been long enough and I need to do this for myself.
Also, first time I'm going to get away with a boyfriend. Very excited...

5. Want to keep more in touch with my friends. They're the most important
thing in my life. Like I've said before, I don't have many, but the ones I
do have, they're keepers, and I want to make sure I keep them around for a
very, very long time... grow old together as they say!

6. Remove as much stress as possible from my life. It nearly drove me outside
of myself last year, and I won't let it get to me again. I'm doing things
to keep myself healthier and I've already started to remove stressful
things out of my life. Beginning with an unhealthy relationship, as hard as
it was, I now realise leaving Barry was the best thing I could have done
for myself. I got rid of my car, I never use it here in Montreal except to
go to Ottawa once in a while. Money better spent somewhere else thank
you... plus, the bus ride from Montreal to Ottawa ain't so bad. I spent so
many years driving my friends around, now that most of them have cars, I
find myself not feeling so guilty for asking for a ride around town when I
do go down. ;)

Well, that's about all I can think of right now, but I'll add on as I think of any...
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