Mar 04, 2006 11:24
So I met Jill Briscoe yesterday!!!! AHHHH! I know a lot of y'all are probably thinking "who in the world is Jill Briscoe?" Well, allow me to explain, she is like the women's ministry guru. She has tons of experience and a lot of wisdom, and she has written many many books. She and her husband travel the world doing ministry. Currently they train christian leaders in other countries where training and resources are not available. She was a student at Cambridge when C.S. Lewis was a prof there! (for those of you who don't know C.S. Lewis, don't even get me started). She is really a sweet lady, and very down to earth, very real. She is so much older than us but at the same time she knows so much about our time and culture that she can still relate. She is just really an inspiring person. I don't want to make this post too incredibly long, so I will post more about her and some of the things she said to me later.
I am now a fan of hockey. Oh my stars, why did I not start watching this sport earlier in life?! I went to go see the Black Hawks play the Canucks, and it was an AMAZING game! It was 3 to 0 and the Canucks made an amazing come back and then it was tied 4-4 and then a crazy amazing 5 min overtime, and an intenense shoot-out, and the Canucks won by one point! YAY CANUCKS! They're my new team. There was also a point in the game where there were a total of nine ppl in the penalty about major power plays!
Also I'll be in Alaska at this time next week...scary. If any of y'all happen to have a minute will you pray for us (Moody Symphonic Band)? This tour is going to be intense and I really really pray that it is an effective ministry to those people. We are also going to be playing in two prisons and presenting the gospel in every concert we do, so if you could pray for the ppl we will be ministering too that would help our ministry a ton! The prayers of the righteous are powerful, thanks y'all.