(no subject)

May 07, 2007 01:13

hey everyone! sooo sorry i haven't posted on this thing in over 3-forevers!! I've been really busy with classes and assignments, and then with exams... i just didn't want this stuff to distract me, so i just went cold-turkey and forgot all about it...i guess it was total, because i forgot to tell all you guys that i would be gone... but ha, it's not like any of you noticed. :P whatever.... anyway :P

I will not be able to post much of interest for awhile, at least not on this computer because i am packing it up and leaving it in storage over the summer because i am flying home, and i didn't really think it was worth it to spend $60 to ship my computer home and back... bleh

anyway!! I hope to talk to you all soon!!!

haha.. i almost said "merry christmas" wow... i'm tired and thinking about too much stuff at once :P

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