OK, so I've decided to hold a Bento contest to celebrate my 6 month Bento Anniversary! The theme is "Your favorite bento decoration technique".
ie: radish roses, onigiri characters or animals, egg flowers etc. Show off your skills! I'm always looking for inspiration and this seems like a cool way to gather some ideas. I'll take entries until Feb. 22nd and the winner will be announced by March 1st. Email entries to jewels at mcn dot org. Subject : Bento Contest. I will post entries as I get them. Feel free to link to your blog , bonus points if you post a tutorial or a recipe!
1 entry per person please.
Send your Name, where you live, and contents of bento along with photo.
You will be judged on 1.Presentation 2. Creativity 3.Content/Balance. Since I mostly make Bento for my 9 year old son, CDC, he will be the judge [with some guidance of course ;) ]. OK, now for the good part, the prize! The winner will receive a Stainless Steel Bento set! I've spent the last 6 months collecting great stainless steel gear that I love so much I want to share the wealth! If I receive more than 5 entries I will dig up a 2nd place prize.
1st place prize - 900ml, 2 tier round bento box, 2.5 oz divider cup with lid, 1.5 oz divider cup, condiment container, pick & glass sauce bottle.
EDIT: There is now a 2nd place prize. Check it out
here! Ok everybody, get to work, and happy bentoing!