Title: How Tegoshi and Shige Became Awesome
Pairing: Tegoshi/Shige
Rating: NC-17
misticloudWords: 6,813
Warnings: A lot of silliness.
Notes: Written for
thawrecka on
je_holiday. A huge thanks to
binmusic who is an incomparable beta.
Summary: Tegoshi and Shige embark on a journey to become awesome, with special guest appearances by an untimely Massu and Tegoshi-kun’s Tegoshi
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Comments 43
you would be the one to make me fall in love with TegoShige (and that is extremely difficult to do) because even though I love Shige, and I'm supposedly like Tego, Tegoshi still scars me with his too-ero-for-his-appearance acts. xD Of course, I still loved this a ton.
It was truly shocking to know that you wrote this since it's a bit different compared to your usual style (coughangstcoughendearinguseoflanguagecough) but it was still such an interesting read. I absolutely loved it. :D
I ought to reread again, but I felt like keysmashing at you asap XD That's all. &hearts you~
Humph. Why am I only known for angst. ;_; even though I fail at everything else
*returns the ♥*
I would never perish. :P I'm a sucker for Shige fics so Shige anyone is essentially &hearts)
You're not only known for angst. I still adore your Johnny's Corporation!AU but you just churn out more angst than humor. You do not fail. HUSH youuuu
I agree that Shige/anyone-hot = :DDD
But lots and lots of other writers churn out angst too ;_;
I liked how their lols relationship deveolped.
Shige being so dorky! Trying to become sexy.
*rolls eyes*
shige's already sexy without realizing it.
You. You have the power to make me like Tegoshi. And this TegoShige...why do they fit together so well? (\*O*/)
Your fics change my life ♥
I shall not so gently persuade you to like Tegoshi.
And poor Massu is now probably traumatized for life.
Fantastic work.
Thanks for sharing.
TegoShige is a wonderful pairing! They're full of silly crack, lol.
Thank you for reading and commenting! ♥
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