Tuesday - Get sent home from school for a 103 degree fever. If you follow Celsius you're probably blinking at the number XD Converted, it's about 39.4 degrees.
Go through Musicopia audition feeling woozy. Quite possibly got last chair. Don't care either way.
Wednesday - Felt completely better but skipped school because the teachers were all convinced that I was sick, might as well be "sick" for them.
...Actually because I didn't finish the homework that was due. -Averts eyes.-
Thursday - Teachers fuss over Julie. Happy day =D When she gets back home, Julie throws up in the toilet and relapses. Whut.
But Julie finds a letter in the mail for
kookiekrazy, who's been invited to France, Wales, and generally the more popular parts of Europe to study. -Jealous.- xD I've always wanted to see the Louvre.
Friday - Julie wakes up in pain. Not so good day. Marie's trying to break up happy couples again, Veronica's waiting for a chance to call Marie out, Julie's pulled in as these are her two 'best friends' in the class.
Actually, she barely knows them and can hardly stand their indignant shrieking, their melodramatic whining, and their annoying, kindergarten-level insults.
Julie takes refuge with another friend from another class at recess and fumes because she can't stand these people.
I want a transfer to 304, the other homeroom.
Let me know if you want a letter.
Then you have to list ten things you LOVE that begin with that letter.
Afterward, post this in your journal and give out some letters of your own.
I was given 'Z' (which does not start a lot of words) so...let's cheat a bit and just do five =/
1.) Zithers
2.) Zebras
3.) Zip-hoodies
4.) Zinnias
5.) Zen (as in peace)
1. Leave me a comment saying you want to do the meme.
2. I'll respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
3. You should update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You should include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be asked, you will ask them five questions.
1.) What was your first instrument? I actually started off on piano. After a little less than nine months, I pulled out because I wasn't making very much progress - maybe it just wasn't for me? xD Anyway, I could read very little music and my left hand wasn't cooperating with playing second fiddle, so I decided to try my hand at another instrument.
2. What got you interested in playing music in the first place? It was a mix of things - pressure from my parents, a need to be more like one of the older students that I admired (her name was Nancy. She was intelligent, fairly kind, and played the violin...mm, about as good as Weijia does). In the beginning, I didn't like it very much and only did it because my parents told me to. In Chinese culture, proficiency with an instrument is considered just as or even more "honorable" than an education, beause it takes years to get good. It took a few years for me to get geniunely attached to music, as well -Laugh.- I guess you just can't dislike something that you've put years of hard work into.
3. If there's a song you wish you'd written/composed, what would it be and why?
Tanaka Rie's 'Fields of Hope'. The lyrics are uplifting, the music's simplistic, and it always makes me feel calm and beautiful. It's the epitome of tranquility ♥
4. Which do you find most cathartic (meaning, the best way you can purge/release your emotions): art, music, or drawing and why? Music is best for me. I can just unlock my case and play something, anything; sometimes just a scale will do, sometimes I want to try a big, complicated piece. Afterwards, I almost always feel better.
5. Is there a particular genre/quality/theme to an anime that you look for before you immerse yourself in it? Explain. Umm...I usually pick out two or three characters (randomly - maybe their name interests me, maybe the way their body is drawn) and research them a little before I decide whether or not to watch the show. Sometimes it ends up a little disappointing (for example, Hoshina Utau and Tsukiyomi Ikuto are the only reasons I watch snippets of Shugo Chara - otherwise I don't like the show) but it's saved me from watching bad shows that have otherwise awesome titles.
Like that one anime about the girl who does hair. Can't remember the title, but I remember it was awfully catchy.