Jul 09, 2006 21:45
*sigh* shows over. THANK GOD. It was way past time for it to end. Seriously.
There's all kinds of awkward going on at the house. And it's really not awkward. It's just... I dunno. It's pretty much the same problem that happened during the show, so I'm not really concerned. I've got my internet and my romantic historical fiction smut. I really could care less. Only, I finished Here Be Dragons and forgot to ask my parents to bring me the sequel to it. So I'm rereading The Last Boleyn, which was ok. No, I lie. I really liked it.... my brain is just on a different time and I gotta pop back in to Tudor England.
I had a good wait shift today. I was really tired cause I was up since 7am. And I was waiting on my parents, so that was kinda weird. I was like "Do you need anything else before the show starts?" and my mom went "Yes, a list of soft foods you want to eat this week." and I'm like... UGH! MOM! I'm WAITING!
Getting my wisdom teeth out Tuesday at 9am. Not looking forward to that at all. Although, it's an excuse to sit in bed for a few days and eat nothing but ice cream.
...i think I just heard some squeeking from next door. Great. Carolyn and Brian are back together, so that means I need to get cable so I can have something to drown out.... squeeking. Oh how I heart being the only single roommate.
Okay. It's barely 10pm and I'm way beyond exhausted. Time for some reading and sleep. Sleep good.