
Apr 10, 2010 13:49

So at least we're in the house, right?

For the most part, we're moved in. We've been living at the house for about 2 weeks now, but a lot of our stuff is still over at the apartment. We have until the end of the month to get it all taken care of, but I want it done noooooow.

Our house is so pretty and wonderful. I wake up every morning and open up all the blinds and windows. The kitties are loving the security doors that are over the normal doors  - they get to sit next to them and look outside, and there's a door for the each of them. The bright sun makes my baby's eyes and coat look sooooo pretty. Big handsome man <3

The birds are loving it as well. Luna takes the cockatoo outside and lets her hop around in the trees (we're very careful, especially Luna - that bird would do anything for her).

Being in this neighborhood again is kind of crazy though. The smells and sounds are familiar, but the house I wake up in isn't. It's a smidge mind boggling.

And now for another week's worth of vacation from work! Whoo!
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