Mar 30, 2010 12:48
Many, many years ago, I bought a cassette tape (yes, that many years) from a science-y type store in the mall in Shreveport. It wasn't a Discovery Channel store, although it became one before it closed entirely. It was whatever was before that. Anyway, this tape was of pan flutes and ocean sounds, and the cover was beautiful and the tape was white and I listened to it to put myself to sleep pretty much every single night ... Until one horrible day, when we were returning from staying with friends in Gulf Shores, and I realized I had left it there. I was very sad, and I had not been able to find another copy.
Until today! I not only found the guy's website who makes this, I ordered myself the CD, so soon I will be able to listen to it as much as I want! AND IT'S ON RHAPSODY SO I'M LISTENING TO IT RIGHT NOW OH JOY~!
I am very, very excited about this :D
//Oh, the name of the CD is Pan Flutes By The Ocean. I have spent the last, like, seven years searching for "Pan Flutes by the *Sea*", and I don't know why it just now occurred to me to try 'ocean' instead.