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Jan 05, 2006 02:21

man i havnt really written in a long time. it feels like everytime i want to write something in here jeremy has already covered everything we have been up to. not that everyone reads his journal but it seems wierd to read his then say the same things.

short story we went snowboarding last weekend which was really fun. first time ive actually got to really board in a long time. we went with alexa the weekend before that but we only went down a few runs for real. the rest was just teaching lexa. she caught on extreamly well i was pleasantly surprised.

its strange having a step daughter lately. i seem to think about her alot now. all the plans i start making seem to revolve more and more around her. i think i got that from my dad, the whole planning thing. for some reason even when i know things probobly wont work out that way i start making future plans. stupid stuff really, like in a year where we will be living what kind of cars we will have what job ill have. how much money we will be making, what kind of shopping sprees ill get to go on, lol. anyways back to the point, a year ago all i could think of was what me and jeremy would be doing. now its changed a little. i mean granted we only see alexa once a week which sucks, thats one of my plans for the future. i want us to get her ALOT more. before i was a little scared of the thought but now i sort of look forward to it. i think about when alexa does come over its alot of fun. i dont really like kids but when i think about it that doesnt really apply to alexa. im happy with our relationship. it used to be just sort of tolerance but now we actually have fun togather. i think it took both of us a while to find the comfort zone with each other. anyways im sure jeremy is glad its comfy with the three of us, i know i am.

so i feel kinda like im falling through the cracks with our congragation. its hard to feel missed in this hall. sometimes i feel like i belong there and then ill miss a meeting or two and its all back to nonexistance. we have missed like the last three or four sundays. not on purpose, once to see my grandpas talk in puyallup, which was awsome, the next time i think was christmas and we had planned to go snowboarding but then the pass was closed. it was our assembly so we didnt end up going. then last sunday we went snowboarding. and this weekend we are going to assembly since we missed ours. it sucks because we arent flaking out at all its just all these circumstances. at least we are making book study regular, at least i am. im not sure why we are missing thursday. i know last week i got caught up in tacoma but other than that i just cant remember. it sucks. i feel like a slacker. oh well maybe this weekend will be the kick in the pants i need. assemblies always make me feel a little guilty but they always help me make new goals and realize just how important everything im not doing is.

so i feel like we are making alot of good friends in our hall. it seems like we always have someone to hang out with these days. its nice to know we can call people up to hang out and they dont have to drive an hour to get here. im still waiting on jeremys friends to come around. i think that is probobly 90% jeremys fault. i dont know if he really wants to hang out with them or what. i think its a little wierd i havnt met alot of them. i think he thinks they are too different from us. which is sad cause they seem like cool guys. but i guess they are more of the typical married couple with the house and everything. oh well i guess ill never know...

off to be with me, its really late. ill probobly end up sleeping till noon tomarrow which is not a good thing to get used to.
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